Example sentences of "always [verb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Time magazine , as always reflecting the indoctrines of the Luce family and assuming the mantle of the responsible voice of America , recorded that : ‘ it was a scene as grisly as anything depicted in Polanski 's film explorations of the dark and melancholy corners of human character … and the most likely theory is that the slayings were related to narcotics . ’
2 Indeed the ladies always avoided the business trams if they possibly could .
3 A professional decorator told me years ago that when carrying out domestic painting , he always asked the lady of the house the shade she would like for the finished coat .
4 When they returned on Thursday evening , I always asked the Earl if he had seen his grandchildren , William and Harry .
5 Talking about him with the others , I did find out that several other people had had the same experience with him as me ; that his lovemaking was done in silence , that he never said a word ( in fact with me he hardly looked me in the eye either , just stared at his own hands as he moved them over my body , not stroking so much as seizing and kneading me , holding me down too ) ; but then later in the night you would wake to hear him talking to himself , lying there fast asleep ( O always asked the men he fucked to stay with him all night long , always ) , fast asleep and talking out loud in the night , talking in a fast , furious , hushed , hollow voice .
6 In R v Birmingham Juvenile Court , ex pG [ 1988 ] 3 All ER 726 , a case decided under the old law , it was held that a local authority should always consult the guardian ad litem before applying for leave to withdraw an application .
7 ‘ She always upsets the table . ’
8 ‘ Did you always prefer the arts to the sciences ? ’
9 professional accountability , to act always to uphold the standards of their profession ;
10 Much of its strength can be attributed to the vigorous support of the church , which has always placed the family at the centre of Christian living .
11 But we have encouraged Republicans to be active in it , always accepting the directives of the CR [ civil rights ] committees .
12 Such boardroom pique may not be unique to Hollywood , though it is characteristic of the shenanigans that have always plagued the entertainment industry .
13 I have always resented the imposition of an alien culture , whether European or otherwise , on the indigenous inhabitants .
14 So with Amyas 's long , damp fingers pressed against her eyes , Jennifer was led stumbling into the passage , and on the way up to the house Sir Gregory tried to think how he was going to pacify his wife , who had never been able to forgive him for his infidelity and who had always resented the presence of his bastard 's daughter under her roof when she came to hear Mass .
15 ‘ I 've always resented the ideal of the frilly frock and girly giggle as the symbols of femininity — dungarees and big boots should not be considered any less female or feminine .
16 He had always resented the amount his son ate .
17 The teacher should always notify the record office in advance and check that there is suitable material for a particular topic .
18 They always coupled the words free and Zuwayi ( or Magharbi or Majbari ) in this context : not a free lawyer or a free farmer , but a free Zuwayi .
19 Originally these powers were largely advisory , although it could always sack the Commission and throw out the annual budget by a two-thirds majority of all its members .
20 Since Inspect does not distinguish between old and new mail , you will find this considerably less irritating if you always delete the mail messages after you have read them .
21 He says that a good doctor should always make the patient feel comfortable about examinations , but patients should also make sure that another person is on hand .
22 Indirect limitations gave way to direct in Commissioners of Customs and Excise v. Cure and Deeley Ltd. in which Sachs J. found that legislation empowering tax commissioners to make regulations as they deemed necessary did not always make the commissioners the sole judge of the extent of their powers .
23 Looking back over the years at the relative strengths of Japan versus the US in the semiconductor industry — a polarisation that will always make the news in Japan — during the 1970s , the US had an advantage , Grove said , which faded in the 1980s when Japanese manufacturing disciplines , just-in-time and its clearly superior semiconductor manufacturing equipment led to the Japanese gaining the upper hand , particularly in memory chips .
24 That is both because bombing does not always make the victims knuckle under — sometimes it can stiffen their resolve — and because it would be hard knowing what to bomb .
25 Be guided by the cooking time on the packet and always taste the pasta yourself to check that it is not overcooked .
26 It is important always to slide the glass , never lift it off the block .
27 He was first to find frequent listeria contamination of cook-chill foods and demonstrated the failure of microwaves always to kill the bacteria which can be fatal to foetuses , newborns , and the elderly .
28 He always checked the mechanism before firing because the Ruger/MAC Mark I was now vintage and occasionally liable to jam .
29 As she shook hands with the congregation afterwards an old Salvationist thanked her and instructed , " Always preach the blood Eva " .
30 The position nevertheless remains that the possibility exists of parliamentary legislation inconsistent with the 1972 Act being preferred by an English court under the doctrine of implied repeal and , even if this possibility were removed , there would always remain the possibility of an express repeal , for notwithstanding this impressive accumulation of law and practice there is no shortage of political figures who insist that the sovereignty of the Parliament of the United Kingdom stands unimpaired , and plenty who are pledged to use that power to extract the United Kingdom from the coils of Europe in which they see it as enmeshed .
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