Example sentences of "came over [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Most came over during the period 1955 to 1963 and took what work was commonly available ( the vast majority were unqualified academically ) .
2 ‘ It was about 8.30am and I was just getting dressed when it came over on the news , ’ said Mr Tyson , a former clerk of works at Harrow council , London .
3 Between them , the Quakers and the Christian Council looked after about twenty per cent of those who came over on the Kindertransporte .
4 Her ancestors came over on the legendary vessel .
5 When I told Constanza , she who has a memory for these things said , ‘ Good Lord , not M. J. Devaux who came over with the French team after the war ? ’
6 Milwall have the lead that 's the important thing here it came over at the far side of the penalty area , had got up for it Ray and the Kennedy there was also a Middlesbrough foot in there .
7 Wiping her hands on her pinny April came over to the sink .
8 Despite these important responsibilities the relationship that came over to the objectors was one of cosy acquiescence between these bureaucracies and the nuclear industry .
9 As the train slowed down , Sam came over to the fireman 's side and looked out and seeing nothing , suddenly realised the legend of the bridge .
10 Mary came over to the bar , on that the two men stopped talking and smiled at her .
11 Mavis laid her knitting aside and came over to the bed , where , to my redoubled annoyance , she sat down and took my hands .
12 ‘ But not for long and I never came over to the Yamacraw .
13 He came over to the bed , holding up his hand to shade his eyes from the bedside light , and peering almost comically close , so that Tessa could smell the whisky on his breath .
14 In the same year he became the chairman of the radical Green Ribbon Club , but he briefly and secretly came over to the court interest .
15 The woman came over to the fence and put her hand out to me .
16 The gendarme came over to the table and began a long address to Lambert , who listened politely , commenting ‘ Peut-être ’ , from time to time .
17 Apparently finding what he wanted , he came over to the sofa on the other side of the low coffee-table that was all that stood between them , threw himself down among the cushions and started to read .
18 He came over to the bed and stood , tall and powerfully attractive , looking down at her .
19 Lizzie was waiting for him one morning when the waitress came over to the table .
20 No he came over to the study , he came over to the study and he said er he comes in and he goes
21 No he came over to the study , he came over to the study and he said er he comes in and he goes
22 Donal Lunny came down , and Gerry O'Beirne and Mary Custy and Eoin O'Neill , my sister Mary , and Adam Calyton , Mike Scott and Steve Wickham had been over in Spiddal at the time , working with John , so they came over for the crack .
23 The 24 runners included six from the site Fire Brigade , bravely running in their waterproof overtrousers and braces , and two from CSD 's Brussels staff who came over for the occasion .
24 And was there one came over from the top ?
25 The purely Chinese came over from the mainland with Chiang Kai-Shek . ’
26 ‘ They came over in the summer and at half-term and I 'll be in England for Christmas .
27 And erm there 's a lot they 've they 've they 've done some television work on him and anyway er in nineteen O three , he came over in the you know about in nineteen hundred with his family and I 've got a picture of them in that 's where he came from in .
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