Example sentences of "came in for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The diet , of bread and butter and tea for breakfast , bread and butter and tea for tea , milk for supper , and a very limited variety of items for dinner , came in for adverse comment .
2 When agricultural improvers visited Sussex in the war years they had little favourable to say about the situation in general and the Weald came in for wholesale condemnation , although there was some disagreement about the details .
3 Maggie 's brooch , her dress , her cloche , came in for similar praise .
4 All kinds of difficult questions began to be asked and in the early heady days of the women 's movement the body came in for close scrutiny .
5 The contrasts between the synoptic gospels ( Matthew , Mark and Luke ) and the fourth gospel , between the various letters ascribed to Paul , and between Paul 's theology and that of other leaders in the primitive church , all now came in for serious consideration .
6 All the leaders came in for new rubber between laps 24 and 31 , when Patrese pitted .
7 On March 7th , against Wales at Twickenham , we all witnessed at least two acts of complete thuggery when not only were English players stamped on but it was their heads which came in for rough treatment .
8 Baghdad , as in the bunker incident at Ameriyah , came in for rough treatment when Allied airpower set out to paralyse the Iraqi nerve centre in January 1991 .
9 While councillors came in for much criticism for being representative , health professionals had similar difficulties .
10 Hateley baffled and upset by the affair says : ‘ I came in for that one game , and I thought I did reasonably well .
11 The intensified aerial bombardment and resulting civilian casualties came in for strong criticism , with all the opposition groups in parliament ( hitherto supportive of military action against the LTTE ) subscribing to a statement which described it as an inhuman action against the people .
12 The Prime Minister came in for strong criticism from opposition leaders but insisted only single party government by Fianna Fail could work for Ireland .
13 The last , in particular , came in for detailed criticism in the 1960s and must , therefore , be considered a little further .
14 The List came in for copious criticism and there were a number of insinuations that the List — which had first appeared on a piece of lavender-coloured notepaper — was largely the work of Lady Falkender .
15 Samuel Whitbread came in for special praise ; he was ‘ essentially useful to all with whom he is in any way connected , resolute and firm … of energetic character … ’ .
16 They always came in for more than a little if they had offended him in the past .
17 The so-called Main Force bombers from 5 and 6 Groups further north were usually later on the scene and were very heavily loaded with high explosives and incendiaries , and they came in for some real pastings .
18 Not surprisingly the concept of dominant ideology came in for some discussion .
19 Irwin , too , came in for some criticism from his own side , notably from Churchill , who was famously appalled by the ‘ spectacle of this one-time Inner Temple lawyer , now seditious fakir , striding half-naked up the steps of the Viceroy 's palace , there to negotiate and parley on equal terms with the representative of the King-Emperor ’ , but generally he was showered with praise .
20 W H Smith came in for some surprisingly harsh comment from the financial press last week after the group 's interim results had revealed a 20% drop in pretax profits .
21 The involvement of IL-10 in the inhibition of macrophage anti-schistosome effector functions ( James ) , and the Th1 down-regulation which accompanies egg-associated Th2 responses , came in for some debate .
22 When the Volvo 700 series was launched , the saloon 's rear styling , though effective in its use of space , came in for some heavy criticism in terms of appearance .
23 Antrim 's new president collected 220 votes in all as the finances of the Association came in for some healthy but heated discussion .
24 The attitude of men — not just the middle-aged grey-suits at the top but increasingly of young grey-suits who put their career above that of their partners ' — came in for some stick .
25 But Labour Party councillors also came in for some criticism from delegates .
26 The Sinclair Spectrum came in for particular criticism .
27 The Ulster Unionists came in for particular criticism , being accused of sacrificing the province 's interests in Europe for the prospect of holding the balance of power at Westminster .
28 AST Research Inc 's agreement to buy Tandy Corp 's personal computer manufacturing business will shoot the Irvine , California company up to fourth place in the US market ahead of Dell Computer Corp and behind Apple Computer Inc , IBM Corp and Compaq Computer Corp — but why should anyone want to buy a personal computer manufacturer — after all no-one came in for bankrupt Everex Systems Inc : the answer is that the deal includes full access to Tandy 's retail stores — AST will supply machines to be sold under the Tandy brand name ; the plant in Scotland is also an attraction .
29 — STRESSHOLME Golf Club came in for high praise yesterday after staging the Mizuno Tournament a major event for assistant professionals .
30 Lloyds , Midland and NatWest came in for most criticism overall , while Abbey National , the Co-op Bank , FirstDirect , the Royal Bank of Scotland and the Yorkshire Bank came out best .
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