Example sentences of "came in the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The first statutory reference to the Prime Minister came in the Chequers Estate Act 1917 .
2 He came in the afternoon and he looked white , fatigued and many years older .
3 The next day Minton might insist on a walk on Hampstead Heath in the morning but the nub of the weekend came in the afternoon when all sat down to draw , Minton inspiring them all to work and try hard .
4 Perhaps , though , most of the lead came in the water used to make the cider : the purer the water in contact with air the better it was at oxidising and dissolving lead from conduits , pipes and cisterns .
5 that came in the wheelchair but her husband did n't come ?
6 A turning-point came in the case of Ridge v. Baldwin in which it was held that the distinction between administrative and judicial functions was of no relevance to deciding whether a decision-maker ought to comply with the rules of natural justice or to the availability of judicial review remedies .
7 The 5:4 ruling came in the case of Keeney v. Tamayo-Reyes , and was accompanied by sharply worded dissenting opinions from those justices who argued that the decision went too far in restricting the rights of habeas corpus .
8 On the contrary , it came in the course of a remarkable postwar recovery , which was transforming France into a modern , prosperous , and dynamic society .
9 For all these reasons , the education of women came in the category of voluntaristic innovations strongly desired by government — into the category of social improvements which relied on the example and inspiration of individuals .
10 The rescue came in the nick of time as the sewer filled with flash flood water just minutes after the pony was brought out .
11 Mr Gandhi 's murder came in the middle of a general-election campaign that had already been marred by more killing , intimidation and vote-grabbing than India had seen in any of its nine previous elections .
12 THE KILLER blow for Punch came in the middle of probably its last lunch yesterday .
13 That came in the middle of Wadkins ' best spell .
14 ‘ That victory came in the middle of our best spell of the season , ’ said Goodman .
15 So how long it was before a strange night came in the middle of the day is hard to tell , from a frog 's point of view …
16 So with a little adding up and subtracting you will see that there were five children in the family and I came in the middle , being the third child .
17 He usually came in the middle of the day , pushing something ahead of him which he set by the side of the benches before taking some food out of a box .
18 Baker 's unproductive visit to Geneva came in the middle of a week of meetings with leaders in allied countries .
19 Gorbachev 's resignation offer came in the middle of the second day 's debate .
20 ‘ Then the riot squad came in the middle of the night while the men were sleeping in their beds .
21 His best effort came in the decider .
22 The heyday of public concern about genetic engineering came in the mid-1970s .
23 Somebody from the village must have betrayed us , because the Germans came in the night and took the Jewish family away .
24 But one day they were betrayed ; a mob came in the night and burned the house down .
25 The crucial strike was made four minutes after half-time and , predictably , it came in the air .
26 The most immediate effect upon the lives of the people , however , came in the railways ' ability to transport perishable foodstuffs very long distances , not just within but between countries .
27 Cos I remember it rained and the caravan nearly came in the river .
28 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
29 The final nail in Laker 's coffin came in the winter of 1981 when the big transatlantic carriers , including British Airways , cut their fares to match Laker 's .
30 When you came in the Winter , to gain access to the stack ,
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