Example sentences of "case for [v-ing] a " in BNC.

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1 Since , ultimately , the law has to be stated authoritatively , there is a case for passing a statute , once experience of the working of the Code has had time to show up any problems there may be .
2 IF EVER there was a case for passing a law that forbade the British government from interfering in industry , the current difficulties in the coal and car-making sectors are probably the best examples available .
3 The case for reaching a modus vivendi with Germany was indeed cogently argued by a faction within the Foreign Ministry .
4 Can we conclude that despite our reservations about Hick 's presupposition that all religions believe in the same God , there is a case for seeing a common theistic structure among many of the world 's religious traditions ( or at least those that have any idea of God at all ) ?
5 The Opposition may not like it , but does my right hon. Friend believe that there is a case for allowing a small part of parliamentary time for the Leader of the Opposition to be questioned ?
6 He said there was clearly a case for considering a new body whose sole responsibility would be banking supervision .
7 This being so , there is a case for casting a backward glance at attitudes of men and women of an earlier generation , whose lives had a limited span — like ours .
8 The economic case for building a PWR at Sizewell may well be the key component in the public inquiry .
9 So it is no wonder that the CEGB has responded by publishing an unprecedentedly large volume of material in support of its case for building a PWR at Sizewell .
10 The only scenario in which there would be a case for building a PWR as soon as possible on the grounds of plant shortage involves a sustained increase ( 4 per cent growth per annum ) in manufacturing output from 1979/80 .
11 The case for using a Central Authority as a transmitting agency rests on the argument that the familiarity of its officers with the system of the Convention and with the practice of other countries would ensure that requests which it prepared or approved for transmission were in order and so would be handled expeditiously and without any need to refer a request back for clarification .
12 Crystal ( 1984 ) makes a strong case for providing a detailed transcription of the language of all those who are candidates for assessment .
13 Even where there may only be two or three partners , the case for incorporating a power of expulsion in the partnership agreement is strong .
14 Is not there a case for introducing a statutory bank holiday between the August bank holiday and Christmas , which is a long period ?
15 Surely she must appreciate that there is no logical or moral case for making a distinction between haemophiliacs and non-haemophiliacs in this respect .
16 Neil Fitzgerald looks at the case for finding a fast-track route for commercial actions .
17 It means that a plaintiff with no more than an arguable case for suppressing a story on breach of confidence grounds can obtain , at a secret High Court hearing , an injunction against one defendant ( perhaps a journal whose financial position does not permit a legal contest ) and thereafter enforce it against every media outlet in the country .
18 Either they have been slobby , and it has eventually got depressing having to argue the case for owning a toothbrush ; or they have been scrupulous — in which case I have started longing for a bit more rough-and-readiness .
19 There is , however , an irrefutable case for giving a greater degree of protection to fishermen resident in the Hebrides and the North of Scotland generally .
20 And fifth , the distinctly limited success of negotiations on arms control and disarmament reinforces the case for examining a quite distinct approach , dealing with restrictions on use .
21 On the basis of what is revealed in this survey , there seems to be a very good case for ensuring a maximum involvement of all the teachers in a school in the whole process .
22 While I was doing that sentence my other case for running a brothel and living off immoral earnings came up .
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