Example sentences of "right down the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The hotel was n't really big enough for her to get confused as she checked up whether to turn left or right down the passage .
2 It was comparatively easy for the German troops to frustrate any rapid advance by Allied troops , particularly in the vast mountainous regions which stretch right down the centre of Italy .
3 Fifth Avenue , sliced right down the centre of the island , felt liberatingly airy because of the gigantic proportions of every shape and space .
4 Busacher snorted , drank , and wandered over to look at the long table which had been set up right down the centre of Willi 's big living room .
5 I decided the only thing to do was throw her in at the deep end and go right down the village high street , where the roads were busiest and noisiest with holiday-makers , and simply stand there trying to calm her down .
6 Instead of swallowing them , however , the eggs are taken into the vocal sac which is unusually large and extends right down the underside of the male 's body .
7 She watched , as , starting at the shoulder , he wound it right down the arm and the hand , covering the fingers , then wound it back up to the shoulder again .
8 It is one of the few pubs in London where the landlord and his staff have mastered the art of pulling a really good pint of bitter : one with a creamy head which lasts right down the glass .
9 In 1986 he took over the captaincy from Fletcher and led them to their third championship in four years , but early in 1987 he suffered a bad loss of form and the team slipped right down the table .
10 He decided to attack right down the landing path , diving from behind them , and he nudged his throbbing aircraft slightly to one side .
11 There is a commitment within the company to develop worker 's skills right down the line , and this has been done through training and education schemes .
12 Riffs equated with biffs right down the line .
13 Right down the line .
14 The withdrawal showed how scared companies are of the negative publicity they might receive if they do not clean up their acts right down the line .
15 ‘ Look at the intensity of the preparations for major matches , ’ he says , ‘ The expenses could not be met without sponsorship but it is also good to see this kind of money being used right down the line .
16 These stripes run right down the body , but peter out near the base of the tail .
17 All lit up , right down the coast there .
18 The Sox do not merely snatch defeat from the jaws of victory ; they reach right down the oesophagus to retrieve it .
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