Example sentences of "right on the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Most chairmen remained implacably opposed to any rethinking of their basic commercial philosophy as a result of the limited investigations which were possible , and Schiller 's results were deliberately and systematically suppressed , since they showed the outside critics to be right on the space heating load .
2 An exuberant pub , right on the Promenade .
3 Erm , right on the expenditure side we have our normal subscriptions for the year , A S erm the F B A S which you all know , there 's no strangers here who do n't know what these are the A L A and the Whale and Dolphin er Preservation Society which we have taken on as a personal thing in the , in the er name of the club because it 's cheaper
4 They were right on the bottom of the boat
5 The Caledonian Canal is right on the hotel 's doorstep and nearby Loch Eil and Loch Linnhe provide opportunities for boat trips .
6 Right on the floor , just like that .
7 That is what they 're saying and I think that that can only be seen as eminently reasonable and I think that that Edward has hit the nail right on the head when he says look if this issue is not properly considered locally there can be no alternative if Government fails in its duty to call it in in the in the interests of of the local communities and the region at large , then it will have to go to Brussels .
8 When a wall is positioned right on the boundary , the foundations , rainwater pipes , guttering , and even the fascia board , are all likely to project over the boundary .
9 I remember we cleaned it all up , and it was right on the boundary wall between property and .
10 Carson said that in theory his own place was within the flood basin , but there had never been any trouble as long as he 'd lived there ; places right on the towpath used to get flooded regularly when the tide was high .
11 But undoubtedly he was right on the mark when he wrote in his essay on Thomas Parnell some words which might aptly be applied to many writers at present being collected :
12 She 's well used to aiming right on the mark in her work , but admits she needs a little more practice when it comes to a dart board , especially when it 's in front of an audience of millions on Bullseye .
13 But Langbaurgh Labour councillor Sylvia Szintai agreed that families in the South Bank and Grangetown areas were ‘ right on the breadline ’ .
14 Go right and collect the bone , fall down , fly up on the fountain and collect the cocoa bean , fall down and jump along the pipes , go up on the platforms , go left at the top , get the cocoa bean and fall down , wait on the platform next to the pipes , go right on the ice cream , go up on the next ice cream , up on the platforms , bounce on the fountain , jump up three platforms and go right , collect the cocoa bean , climb down four platforms , climb up , go right to the top of the map , go right on the lifts and platforms and collect the blue object .
15 Yep , well each station in those days had one of the war-time sirens on , on , situated right on the top of the tower of these fire stations , enormous great sirens with a very piercing , loud sound , erm so that was the audible warning , to tell them that they were wanted in the fire station .
16 Cos you see if you put your ace down , ace of clubs right on the top and I put the rest of the clubs , put it down
17 Right on the top of cupboard .
18 BC rental cars , the largest in Spain , are based right on the port and offer good rates to Astbury clients .
19 right on the river side on the river side
20 BR staff and preservationists pulled out all the stops to have everything right on the day even though they were hampered by high winds and heavy rain .
21 She beamed at her husband , bravely facing the barrage of produce , and winced as a particularly juicy specimen caught him right on the chin .
22 Malcolm got right on the phone with him and sorted it out .
23 Oh you could tell right on the phone you were sort of all keyed up with it .
24 ‘ Oh , he 's all right on the golf course .
25 It 's right on the prom on the corner on , on North Prom .
26 What happen was we was standing this jeweller 's , well really we 'd been there , she half the stuff for me and er other people and that , but erm , were standing there for ages , and she come , I 'm , I 'm sort of standing there like this up against the counter waiting to be served , suppose to be coming back right , stood right on the foot , it hurt , but I thought ok it 's a busy shop he wo n't so I 'd turned around , sort of he was there , so I sort of went to him like that and he was looked at me and fucking looked back , so I said are you gon na apologise then , getting right fucking pissed off cos I about three o'clock that day , hang over and being dragged up and down the town all fucking day ai n't my idea of fun you know , ri right in a bad mood anyway , and he said no in a real fucking why do n't you try and make me sort of attitude , so I 'm just about to fucking say something to me , like , how out the shop and everything , and she said what 's the fuck , what 's the matter with you then ?
27 We passed through the col , with the main peak of Koitobos towering up to our right , and then suddenly we were right on the edge of the rim with the giant bowl of the crater itself spread out below us .
28 The building has been refurbished , and access is either by boat , or across trackless fields ; but there can be few more attractive places to spend a fishing holiday , right on the edge of one of the Borders ' most productive lochs .
29 Our screen was situated outside the office on a patch of grass , reached by the usual cinder path , and was right on the edge of the air field .
30 Or if they do manage to put you in a bedroom , remember that you 've got a whole camera team there , and they usually want to do some extraordinary shot from very close up , so they put you right on the edge of the bed , probably on a board which you 're about to fall off at any minute .
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