Example sentences of "quite a different [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With equal conviction a neighbouring headteacher might adopt quite a different approach — arguing that only by building a curriculum and a school day around the child can learning be effective and meaningful .
2 The inspection and the self-appraisal seemed to be two entirely different processes : each operated with quite a different agenda and entirely different methods were used in each case .
3 That may be so , but it does not prevent people in our field from continually falling into the error of supposing that a solution designed to match one problem must be applicable to quite a different problem as well .
4 North and South Trust Co. v. Berkeley [ 1971 ] 1 W.L.R. 470 raised quite a different problem .
5 Because although that war did n't have conscription in nineteen fourteen or nineteen fifteen , I believe it started in nineteen sixteen , back end , and er we we 'd got all women teachers who were quite a different problem from a school of that nature .
6 Quite a different resort from Stresa , Baveno is much quieter and has more of a village atmosphere about it .
7 It is necessary to rely on the accounts published since the embargo on absolute secrecy was lifted in 1977 , and there seems little advantage in repeating here what has been told so well already ; and , after all , this book has quite a different purpose .
8 He told the Street 's fan magazine that the soap was envisaged as lasting only 13 episodes — of which Warren wrote 12 — and with quite a different name .
9 In France , however , quite a different tradition of thinking about democracy was developing .
10 But it was quite a different contrast that struck me there in Alison 's kitchen : the aching disparity between the woman who stood there , impatient for me to be gone , and the one I was going home to .
11 ‘ In-deed ? ’ commented Lady Danby in quite a different tone .
12 If up to now you have thought of crime fiction in the traditional way , with a detective hero , with an attention-grabbing murder , you have now got to look on the art from quite a different angle .
13 In quite a different vein , one teacher in a workshop described how she spent part of each weekend visiting old people in her community .
14 Moderator I 'm going to ask the general assembly to turn their mind to quite a different subject now .
15 Next week we shall be taking a look at quite a different subject .
16 Once he had got the idea of killing her ( and at first this fantasy did not seem very different from the reveries in which he wept by her open grave , comforted by young , fashionably dressed women ) it took some time to appreciate that this scenario was of quite a different type from the others .
17 For example , placing the blocks in the centre of a large room or out on the porch , instead of in their usual corner , can stimulate quite a different type of play .
18 Quite a different voice behind the Adjutant was not nearly so reassuring .
19 ‘ With the Floyd I used quite a different system : two Fender 150 watt heads and two pairs of Marshall 4x12s .
20 He seemed quite a different man from the one she had met the other day across Mr. Crowther 's desk , quite different from the man who talked to Jenny this afternoon .
21 Here too the distinction was not absolute , and hides many other differences ; but the bulk of the lower clergy were half educated at best , and led quite a different life from their superiors .
22 Selectivity is quite a different issue .
23 It is not possible to describe a suitable treatment for every type of window and there is no such thing as a standard window , since two identical windows located in a different position on a wall may need quite a different treatment .
24 Another cause comes from quite a different quarter .
25 When the use of the term ‘ reading readiness ’ in education is examined , it will be seen not to refer to readiness to read , nor even to readiness to learn to read , but to quite a different state of affairs , namely readiness to cope with reading instruction .
26 Quite by chance he heard that they had another depôt off Mitcham Road , West Croydon and on visiting that found quite a different state of affairs .
27 The baby fluff had disappeared and the new hair that was growing was quite a different colour .
28 And another highlight , though of quite a different kind , was in store next .
29 An insight of quite a different kind emerges from a comparison of table 6.8c with table 6.8a and b .
30 As a consequence , not only is " the family " ( in this restricted sense ) quite a different kind of entity at each phase of its development but , except in so far as the original householders own property which can be transmitted to their children , there is no continuity of the " we " -group beyond the first generation .
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