Example sentences of "quite a [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
2 Visiting aircraft began arriving early in the day and by the time the airshow started at midday quite a line-up of visiting types were present , ranging from award-winning Percival Vega Gull G–AEZJ to Duncan Baker 's Howard 500 N500LN , the latter making a very rare appearance away from its Exeter base .
3 There was quite a to-do about it in the paper .
4 It was quite a responsibility at first , but if I was worried about anything there was a Head Gardener called Arthur Godfrey here at Killerton that I could turn to .
5 ‘ You are getting close to Ana and seem to have taken quite a responsibility on your shoulders .
6 The five soldiers prove , as always , to be quite a spectacle for passing motorists .
7 There was quite a quantity of useless crap in there , based on the malai five constitutional principles of justice , tolerance etc .
8 ‘ It gives quite a clarity of management information if you do it yourself , ’ says BP spokesman Ian Fowler .
9 Wattle fencing is quite a feature of this part of the garden , making an excellent rural background for climbers .
10 Over the years the exchange of engines between the 15″ gauge railways in England has become quite a feature of the little railway scene .
11 He has come to be quite a feature in the pub . ’
12 Before their marriage he had made quite a hobby of photography .
13 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
14 The review model is the standard , no-frills version and although the speaker cabinets are quite a size for single twelves , they 'll guarantee a significant amount of stereo spread .
15 ‘ Mixed marriage ’ seems such an outdated expression nowadays but at the turn of the century it must have been quite a sacrifice for both of them to make .
16 There was , indeed , quite a furore over its activities , and particularly at the violence associated with its Olympia Meeting of June 1934 .
17 They always fit perfectly , look painted on , and some have caused quite a furore in the past .
18 She was probably about twenty at the time and on her return created quite a furore among the ladies with her hair shingled in the latest fashion and sporting lipstick and rouge which was almost unknown at that period .
19 They 've chosen quite a diversity of places , from wild and lonely Wester Ross to the spectacular north Cornish coast .
20 I think he once did say to me that he was very disturbed at how much ‘ coke ’ David was doing and that it had got to the point where he did n't hide it from deFries , whereas he did for quite a while at first .
21 It took quite a while for the tears to cease .
22 This is hard , since on a busy day you will sometimes have to wait quite a while for the waiter to take your order or for the arrival of the food .
23 It has taken me quite a while to be able to do that .
24 He continued to ask visitors for quite a while about their fainting habits .
25 He hummed and hawed for quite a while about it , but in the end I asked him if you were getting any visitors , and if not , I said , must n't you be feeling pretty lonely , and that did it .
26 The Davidsons ' publicist Clifford Elson said last night : ‘ Jim 's going away for quite a while over Christmas which will give the situation a chance to defuse .
27 The brown headed ones were tough and could stand any amount of thrashing and the head would hang on quite a while by a mere thread .
28 Do you like to know where , for quite a while in advance what you 're going to sing then ?
29 But it was quite a while before her heartbeat returned to normal and she began to feel calm again .
30 Use a fake tan — a tan foundation or tinted moisturiser will make your face look more glowing for quite a while after your holiday .
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