Example sentences of "quite a [adj] number " in BNC.

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1 I was invited to open functions in various parts of the Yorkshire Dales and quite a surprising number of people turned up .
2 There were twelve on the party , quite a small number .
3 The first based on er a quota system which effectively is quoting copies , i.e. the noise rating of aircraft on quite a wide number of and the second system and more recent system is one which is based solidly upon er a number of .
4 okay so it , yeah it looks like quite a reasonable number of people possibly
5 These sounds used in different contexts and in different ways and intensity , especially when used with body language , convey quite a large number of different meanings .
6 There are quite a large number of species in Carboniferous and Permian rocks which resemble the species illustrated here This species is from the limestones of Keokuk , Iowa , USA .
7 Obviously some clothiers fared better than others for there were quite a large number of bankruptcies between 1800 and 1840 .
8 When the fitness craze first took hold , both in Britain and in the United States , some people threw themselves into an orgy of aerobics , weight training or jogging with the result that quite a large number of them suffered injuries of one sort or another .
9 Both men and women live longer nowadays but , even so , quite a large number of people are going to experience the death of one or both parents when they themselves are reaching midlife .
10 Most women are forced through economic necessity to work in part-time low-paid jobs with quite a large number in the black economy .
11 Even if we adjust this figure downwards to say 20 per cent for the pre-1914 period , this still represents quite a large number of women ( 160 out of 800 ) who were in the trade for life , which usually meant until well over 60 .
12 For all of these photographs quite a large number of accessories or props will be needed to create the desired effect .
13 He was a disciplinarian , but a very fair and good man and organized quite a large number of servants , including three footmen and several housemaids and kitchen-workers .
14 This work on inflationary models showed that the present state of the universe could have arisen from quite a large number of different initial configurations .
15 For quite a large number of items , the relationship with the answer to this question was statistically significant .
16 The other fact , I mean there 's a lot of uncertain factors , the other one is that as far as I 'm aware we actually have quite a large number of people , by comparison with the norm' , actively applying for other jobs at the moment .
17 erm but , but certainly the , the er er the period has given the Communist Party er quite a large number of trained cadres which will be able to go out into the villages in a way that they had n't been able to in because it would , that was all too soon .
18 I I I think really they er they forget that that there 's a quite a large number of the population , they do think about what 's going on , and they 're not all children and they 're not and are n't all that easy easily persuaded .
19 erm most of the sites , and there are quite a large number of sites in Oxfordshire , are privately owned or have been privately subscribed .
20 We know from the housing benefit system that there is a backlog of cases , I think hundred and a , quite a considerable number of people of where people are having problems producing wage receipts and evidence of income now and one dreads to think of the burden that will be putting on the letting section by erm inventing yet another system o of this kind erm I think people we know that people are wary already of applying for benefits because of means testing and I think that there 's that it would simply discourage people who really are in need from coming forward .
21 Quite a big number could you divide thirty six by four ?
22 ‘ After talking to officers from other authorities that appears to be quite a significant number of dogs , ’ said Mr Westland .
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