Example sentences of "quite a [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 However , if you are correcting for drift with one wing well down , and then the cable breaks , you may find that you have already turned quite a long way , and that it is easier to keep that turn going if you can not get down ahead .
2 In others the stick will have to move quite a long way forwards before the wing unstalls and the spin stops .
3 Yet despite these differences , English English has gone quite a long way down the road of a more-or-less Americanized professionalism , as identified and rejected in the 1960s by Leavis , Lewis , and Gardner .
4 It was quite a long way , and coming home she let the pony trot while she ran beside me .
5 The cottage lay back quite a long way from the path , but Virginia slowed down and stepped past it with quick , light steps .
6 She was still quite a long way from Yatton Farm , but the windmill on its hillock could be clearly seen from the farm .
7 The shelter was quite a long way away , and there would n't be time to come back to the steps .
8 He had quite a long way to walk to the bridge , but there was plenty of time ; he had taken the trouble to find out the train times and he had worked out at what time the train would arrive at the bridge — about 9pm — so he enjoyed his walk .
9 I set off to look for Nigel — quite a long way down , as the staircases did n't connect and one had to walk the complete length of the first-floor gallery before descending the second .
10 Nomes can fall quite a long way without being hurt , and in any case a bacon , lettuce and tomato sandwich broke his fall .
11 ‘ It 's still quite a long way off , ’ said Masklin .
12 For quite a long way , I think . ’
13 Yes , erm , and , and we , were prepared to subsidise as far as our finances would allow , you know people who are going , but Ex Exeter is quite a long way , so the travel is going to be something is n't it ?
14 Well it 's , it is quite a long way
15 I mean Stephen is a heck of a long time ago , he 's the very first martyr , and we although we celebrate his feast day still on December the twenty sixth because he is the first martyr , he 's quite a long way away .
16 In fact , if the starlings are all in a circle ( perhaps the lawn has a fairy ring which the worms find congenial ) , then the centre of the flock will be quite a long way from any of the birds .
17 Except , Gedanken noticed , those who had to travel quite a long way .
18 This went quite a long way towards soothing enraged newspapermen and the dinner terminated quite peacefully , although on its termination my drink stock was reduced by two whole bottles of whisky .
19 It was when the pale flood of light returned that Stephen saw the man — He was quite a long way off , not far in from the road , and he was standing quite still as if waiting for someone or watching .
20 And it 's reputation has travelled or it it 's false reputation has travelled quite a long way .
21 Taking the initiative , I led the way , following three skiers who looked as if they knew where they were going — they did n't , and we found ourselves poling for quite a long way before a unanimous decision to have an early lunch was taken .
22 This is quite a long way down for coins of this period and it would explain why I was n't finding anything earlier .
23 THE SHAMEN have come quite a long way from their origins as an indie psychedelic outfit .
24 And people have actually moved quite a long way in the direction of actually working out their own finances .
25 But I think those days are now over and anybody who 's been in building societies , there 's now a feeling er that things have altered quite a long way .
26 But , unfortunately , I believe we are quite a long way off that outcome at present .
27 and the problem of access to the flats , and sometimes the necessity to walk quite a long way before you can get out onto the street , which would be a problem for young mothers with , with , with small children , as equally it would be a problem for elderly people or disabled people .
28 Er and that is , that is one of the problems within the flats , that having got , once got into the complex you might have quite a long way to go before you actually find where you 're going .
29 Three to five years seems quite a long way forward in the current uncertain climate .
30 ‘ No , darling , but Mother and Lady Selvedge have come from quite a long way — miles , really — and those two young men talking to Ianthe are strangers , and I dare say Mr Stonebird will look in , ’ said Sophia comfortingly .
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