Example sentences of "quite [adj] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Too many beautifully clean and pressed white coats , for example , can look staged , and best clothes are quite unbelievable at work .
2 What I would say , if there 's any doubt , if a mother has any doubt about her baby 's feet she should see the doctor and he will refer if he thinks necessary so most babies ' feet can look quite odd at times and they will hold them in strange positions .
3 The orchestral playing is quite ravishing at times , and Giulinii displays the utmost care over detail so that lots of subtleties can be heard despite the full textures .
4 Or worst of all be like Caroline , running along pathetically after modern art and modern ideas and never catching up with them because she 's someone quite different at heart and yet can never see it .
5 But it was quite different at night .
6 Coleridge 's outstanding abilities remained quite unsuspected at Christ 's Hospital until they came to the attention of the Upper Grammar School master , the Revd James Boyer , a man whose great gifts as a teacher were only exceeded by his sadistically violent temper .
7 He could be quite maddening at times , but I had my own concerns and had to leave it at that .
8 He was lovable at times , he was completely irritating at times , he could be quite frightening at times and , above all , which is why I think the kids related to him , he was so totally anti-establishment .
9 She can be quite tiresome at times . "
10 It was quite rough at times — and on one occasion , I found a body outside .
11 ‘ If we continued down this road here , we 'd still reach the Fire Court , ’ said Snodgrass , who was quite good at maps and found them interesting .
12 I 'm quite good at maths , it 's my best subject at school . ’
13 She 's quite good at lip reading .
14 If you have a child who appears to show a talent at one thing , then of course it 's natural to let the child do what it enjoys doing , but that might be the very moment for saying well what is this child not talented at and ensuring that this child gets some experience of the kind of world that it not part of its own talents , so I would feel , from my own point of view and as a psychologist , that if you have a child who is very talented in mathematics , then fine , it 's going to be quite good at mathematics one would assume , now 's the time to say well is it as equally talented in music ?
15 If you have a child who appears to show a talent at one thing , then of course it 's natural to let the child do what it enjoys doing , but that might be the very moment for saying well what is this child not talented at and ensuring that this child gets some experience of the kind of world that it not part of its own talents , so I would feel , from my own point of view and as a psychologist , that if you have a child who is very talented in mathematics , then fine , it 's going to be quite good at mathematics one would assume , now 's the time to say well is it as equally talented in music ?
16 I mean when he does his window displays you 've never seen anything like it , you know , so , I think he 's got quite er , he 's quite good at things like that , but erm , we 've tamed down a bit now .
17 Pat is very good at recognising wild flowers and I am quite good at map reading , so between us we manage well enough .
18 ‘ Publishers have got quite good at distribution .
19 Our society values thinkers and is quite good at training thinkers .
20 You mentioned that schools are quite good at biology , that they have guinea pigs and they have growing plants and so forth , and I think you hinted at the fact that they perhaps are not quite so good at maybe the harder sciences , we might call them , of physics and chemistry .
21 You mentioned that schools are quite good at biology , that they have guinea pigs and they have growing plants and so forth , and I think you hinted at the fact that they perhaps are not quite so good at maybe the harder sciences , we might call them , of physics and chemistry .
22 ‘ We used three quick bowlers , including myself , there were a lot of 4s and 6s , and the boundaries are quite long at Southend , ’ he told me .
23 Er , she 's got quite tough at T N T , being quite new to it , but er , she 's got it even harder because she has to work with me , but er , she doing very well with B M A system .
24 I suppose reading must come in quite handy at times like these .
25 He mesmerized the opposition with his pace — quite slow at times .
26 This is quite common at Montserrat , so be warned .
27 She has such a solemn , pinched little face as a rule , even quite sour at times .
28 cos the ships rolling like this , and someone 's trying to take a bearing , it 's quite difficult at sea , but they get a , they do , they get very good at tacking fairly accurately .
29 The yellow and orange feathers that form the head flash can be quite inconspicuous at times but when I spread them out with my fingers they burned like flame in what was left of the winter light .
30 Yes , there it was again , a stealthy sound , quite close at hand .
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