Example sentences of "things [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes , he would catch glimpses of wonderful things through the trees : silver wolves slipping like fluid between the gnarled trunks , their eyes the blue of an early autumn sky ; hewkin maidens of astounding loveliness dancing in a spotlight of moonbeams , curling their slim green hands towards him in bird-like gestures ; ghost children with berry-red faces and tomb-black eyes , laughing down at him from high branches .
2 ‘ I just did a couple of wild things for the videos : I covered myself with a hundred thousand bees for the Flight Of The Bumblebee and I also walked on hot coals ! ’
3 Yes so you , was there any difficulty or embarrassment about getting these things for the pessaries and the pills from the chemist ?
4 If we can do things for the kids then that 's fine , a bonus , but otherwise we are trying to help the system , to respond to what it wants of us .
5 ‘ One of the most frustrating things for the police is to see someone they have spent weeks tracking down released on bail and subsequently re-offending .
6 Sometimes collections are made by the teacher herself to introduce new and possibly unfamiliar things for the children to explore .
7 She made touching things for the children called mock devil's-food-cakes , concocted out of cocoa , golden syrup , carrots and soya flour .
8 You know with the and when she does n't know where she 's going to get enough money to feed , clothe them and especially at a time like now , when all these adverts are on television for , you know the toys that children want , and they just have n't the ability to provide those those things for the children , much as they would want to do it .
9 I mean you learn things off the others .
10 I knock things off the shelves .
11 To the men on the ground it seemed ‘ as if to finish things off the Germans had decided to point one cannon at each one of us . ’
12 I just wanted to say three brief things about the boundaries , before doing so I think I may have to declare a personal interest .
13 And it w not like today the supermarket , every corner shop had it 's own particular news of the world you know and my mother-in-law used to go down and she used to come up and tell me all these things about the things that were going on .
14 ‘ Easy , ’ I replied , ‘ You see , the things about the Americans is that they 've absolutely no CLAAAARSE . ’
15 As we walked back , Silver told me many interesting things about the ships that we passed .
16 He said nice things about the children — how brave and clever they were — and then he sat down .
17 When Philip was alone in the wood he imagined all sorts of things about the planes , that they were enemy planes bombing Thirkett , that they were on reconnaissance flights spying , that they were looking for him : a crashed pilot hiding out in the wood .
18 She tried to relate this sudden vision of the things of the pieties of the Dodson sisters to Daniel 's Mum 's instructions about how to cook Christmas pudding , and largely failed .
19 things like the magazines the colour supplements and things like that
20 Of course it does , we look at the guidance notes , and they say things like the police and the health authorities want erm , larger units the size of the present County Council , I 'm sorry to go on .
21 He seemed to have grown up , and was much more established in things like the beginnings of lateral work .
22 Anyway yeah they had this , this fungus and erm they , they kicked down a door and erm got extremely , extremely energetic and like put like erm er er er in this store , it was a storeroom and they 'd put things like the projectors and erm er catering equipment
23 This is what pisses me off so often you know , things like the halls of residence and stuff are there to help the students and they do n't , they just try and rip them off for every cent they can do it for .
24 erm It could be that erm with a different political regime , you might get a positive commitment not to run down things like the schools , the hospitals , British Leyland , erm British Airways , British Steel and the rest .
25 One of the most incriminating things against the girls was the discovery of Michelle 's diary at the private Churchill Clinic in London where she worked with John O'Shaughnessy .
26 Well now , now you know that when I disappear with a placard sign , I do n't just appear with a placard , we are doing things behind the scenes .
27 There were white bone things behind the leaves and hair .
28 If you plan to store some heavy books , locate lighter items towards the centre and the heavier things near the ends
29 But to patch things up the friends need to agree on a peace plan .
30 She went straight in and said to them , " For shit 's sake , ca n't you help us take the things up the stairs ? "
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