Example sentences of "over from the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the outside it looked like something left over from the siege of Leningrad in 1944 , but inside everything was in immaculate white , including a large wrinkled matron who proceeded to give the medico a verbal roasting , followed by expulsion from the premises .
2 She dragged herself from the sofa and listlessly prepared herself some lunch , making do with bread and Camembert cheese and some of the pâté which had been left over from the night before .
3 John Ensall said residual problems had hung over from the change in working arrangements introduced in January .
4 So it 's really a case of just ensuring that the T G I manual does cover all a , it , it needs to state where it takes over from the procedure and then it needs to ensure that it covers everything from there on about T G I , because erm , just from thinking through some of the other procedures , I mean , it does n't , T G I does n't come into the costing , or at least it 's got it 's own costings .
5 In fact , he managed perfectly well if you did n't count a certain lack of variety in his evening meals and the fact that he was forever missing the lunch that the boys brought over from the mensa dead on twelve-thirty .
6 I like the way someone like Laurie Anderson crosses over from the art world to the mainstream .
7 The first thing I do is check the stocks , followed by date returns and er , you know , erm , get that done , out of the way , and start looking at the , of the night , and what have you , setting that up , and maybe the late night process , hand over from the branch manager , walk round doing any detail he wants me to do , and hand over from late nights .
8 But Nicola 's husband recovered himself and padded over from the settee to switch off the television .
9 The revised scheme proposed that the water authorities , now with only the functions of water supply and sewage disposal , should be privatised , but that a new National Rivers Authority should be created ( in the public sector ) to take over from the water authorities the regulatory functions of pollution control , water conservation , land drainage and flood protection , conservation , recreation , fisheries and navigation .
10 But perhaps the machine has taken over from the individual .
11 This was confirmed on 17 October 1940 , when Serrano replaced Beigbeder as Foreign Minister and the Falangist Demetrio Carceller took over from the anglophile Luis Alarcón de la Lastra at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce .
12 The minds of the other literate villagers were dissipated on what they could pick up in a random manner : most of it naturally consisted of religious tracts , the traditional fodder left over from the past .
13 Is it something hanging over from the past ?
14 Similar numbers of people are expected to join YT schemes each year until 1992–3 , but as employers progressively take over from the government , its annual expenditure on YT is expected to fall — to some 760 million in 1992–3 ( HM Treasury , 1990 , Table 6.5 ) .
15 He whistled ‘ Roll Out the Barrel ’ out of tune as he pushed the few remains left over from the day towards the setting sun .
16 We had money left over from the Cow and Gate appeal and we are going to buy special waters and rehydration equipment for babies who have suffered from dysentery and diarrhoea . ’
17 It is the same as in the last exercise except that you are bent over from the waist .
18 Every day the brave and clever assistant takes over from the master , whose slackness and lack of seriousness demotes him from the rank which seemed to be permanently his . ’
19 During the first half of the 1970s all three of the most heavily urbanized regions ( South-East , North-West , West Midlands ) had population growth below the national rate , suggesting that the urban-rural dichotomy had taken over from the north-south divide as the main feature of UK population change .
20 And towards the end of that week , Pete walked over from the yard to see for himself how Alina was doing .
21 I 'd been yo-yoing up and down a rollercoaster for the best part of an hour and I was still hung over from the phial of ‘ Renshenfengwangjiang ’ — a potent blend of panax ginseng and royal bee jelly — that Michael Willis had persuaded me to drink for breakfast .
22 And was there one came over from the top ?
23 The trouble is during the week , a lot of little shops only have what 's been left over from the weekend and their vegetables , cos that 's what happens at ours
24 You 've still got some left over from the year before , but people keep giving you it .
25 Sir Kenelm Digby , whose book of recipes collected from his contemporaries and friends has provided posterity with a graphic record of Stuart cookery , notes that he himself made a fine syllabub with syrup left over from the home-drying of plums ; being " very quick of the fruit and very weak of sugar " this syrup " makes the Syllabub exceeding well tasted " says Sir Kenelm .
26 Ever since the Pill took over from the sheath in availability and popularity , the onus of responsibility has fallen even more heavily on women .
27 I do n't know how to — I do not even want to — dispel this cold mist left over from the fog .
28 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
29 Some of the children came running over from the village .
30 Some MEPs want ultimately to take over from the council the main responsibility for passing EC laws , while others want to concentrate on the right to appoint the European Commission .
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