Example sentences of "over to [art] next " in BNC.

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1 Reveille for the remainder was at 0600 , as the transit camp we had been living in for the fortnight had to be handed over to the next inhabitants spick and span .
2 Over to the next stone she went , boldly .
3 an over-ambitious agenda which takes too long to complete or has to be carried over to the next meeting .
4 Consideration of the first of these categories will hold over to the next section .
5 There are many interesting facets of this complex diagnostic process and three are worthy of re-emphasis : firstly most of his information comes not from positive signals , stimuli or cues but from their absence , secondly he is relying on a hybrid model — a mixture of rules , mental pictures and symbolism , thirdly it all happens without very much conscious guidance — one mental or physical event leads to another and each event in the chain plays its part before handing over to the next one .
6 Carry over : Try not to carry part of a sentence over to the next page and if at all possible leave paragraphs intact as well .
7 Mrs Varden turned over to the next page ; then went back again to the bottom line over leaf to be quite sure of the last words ; and then went on reading with an appearance of the deepest interest and study .
8 ‘ I would n't have thought so , ’ Aldridge said , walking over to the next one .
9 If you could just turn over to the next card now Bill .
10 Possibly the first Inn was the Five Bells , which was probably the ale house mentioned in 1586 , when William Cokar of Halling was sent to gaol for keeping an ale house and allowing gambling i.e. maintaining play at the dice of his own authority as a result of which he was bound , over to the next Sessions .
11 We tied his arms behind his back and handed him over to the next village headman we encountered .
12 He was suspended for five matches by UEFA after his verbal attack on Swedish referee Rune Larrson during the European Cup-Winners ' Cup game against Spartak Moscow last October — four games of which will be carried over to the next Liverpool campaign in Europe following their elimination last October by Spartak Moscow .
13 Just ask the porter would you help me carry it over to the next platform .
14 And then move over to the next square .
15 You do n't turn the page over , just look over to the next column
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