Example sentences of "over the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Carefully pipe over the outline in a continuous line and allow to dry .
2 Some people stumble across the Kingdom without looking for it , like discovering a hidden treasure while turning over the soil in the field ( Matt.
3 These worms have a similar food-gathering strategy to the more familiar filter-feeding tubeworms , but instead of the feathery heads of fanworms have long , sticky tentacles which they wave in the current or drag over the substrate in search of food particles which are then carried back to the mouth as the tentacles are drawn in .
4 She took over the phone in a vain attempt to replace Dana , only to admit defeat late on Thursday evening when she was forced , reluctantly , to agree to Myra 's insistence that she wear the wedding gown herself .
5 That is why we have invented the concept of trust status , which gives us the opportunity to entrust to local people — those who work in the hospitals — a greater discretion and influence over the way in which resources are used in their institution .
6 The Insurer shall be entitled to take over the conduct in the name of an Insured Person in the defence or settlement of any claim or to prosecute in the name of an Insured Person for its own benefit any claim for indemnity or damages or otherwise and shall have full discretion in the conduct of any proceedings and in the settlement of any claim .
7 The UK government , which is due to take over the presidency in the Council in the latter half of 1992 , will set the enforcement of existing Community legislation as a top priority during its presidency .
8 To the layman they all look pretty similar : crisp emerald weed buoyed up in the stream and then , in July , a snow in summer of glistening white flowers , which spill over the water in a way that seems to spell out the brief abundance of midsummer .
9 It was 1837 that it became Ring & Brymer , an entity retained by Lord Forte when he took over the company in 1962 .
10 On taking over the leadership in 1947 he was designated " Chairman " instead of " President " .
11 We have asked the people who constructed this building to take over the theatre in January until March .
12 Guruji took over the building in 1963 and hung out a simple sign with the inscription Manasik Chikitsa Kendra — ‘ Centre for the Treatment of Mental Illnesses ’ .
13 In 1166 he marched on the Breton capital , Rennes , deposed Duke Conan and took over the duchy in the name of Conan 's infant daughter and heiress Constance .
14 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
15 His son , Claude , took over the mill in 1952 and is still at the helm .
16 In 1840 Thomas Wilkins , who was at the time running a successful baking business , took over the mill in the centre of Bourton then known as Lower Valley Water Mills .
17 They took over the mill in Bourton in 1840 , other members of the family running Lower Slaughter .
18 That was when Silvio Berlusconi , the chairman of Fininvest ( which owns a chunk of the Italian economy ) , one of the wealthiest men in the country and a true Milanese , took over the team in order to challenge Gianni Agnelli 's Juventus , of Turin .
19 It would take over the role in Ukraine of the former USSR Vneshekonombank ( Bank for Foreign Economic Relations ) , whose assets were taken over by Russia pending an agreement between the republics .
20 David Birney took over the role in the TV series .
21 The Torbay line has always been run as a large-scale people mover and minimalist operation since the DVR took over the line in 1973 , but this stance failed to deliver the desired profitable results in 1991 .
22 A PLAYERS ' revolt at London Scottish has led to the resignation of the coaching staff and the First XV taking over the coaching in the run-up to the last four league games .
23 I opted for parsley to help them get over the difference in water and to remove any toxins produced by the parasitic attack , mint as an antiseptic and to encourage them to feed , fennel to help clear out the digestive tract in case of internal parasites ( a very mild air to pumpkin seeds ) and as a mild antiseptic , elderflowers to reduce the fish 's stress , pumpkin seeds to deal with the parasites and to help the skin heal , and garlic — again to deal with the parasites , but also as an antibiotic in case of secondary infection .
24 Somewhat reluctantly Mountbatten agreed to hand over the administration in Burma the following month .
25 Go over the topic in your mind , identifying what you already know and do n't know about the topic .
26 But Sue is quick to justify the power she wields since she took over the editorship in 1989 .
27 When the Corporation took over the tramway in 1892 , conditions improved : the working week was reduced from 90 to 60 hours and wages raised to 24 shillings .
28 Control over the manner in which offensive trades are carried out
29 At Festival time 1983 , Fania Williams , who had just taken over the Tron in Glasgow , asked me if I was interested in fairy tales .
30 Brecon Mountain took over the Rheidol in March 1989 following the purchase of the two-foot gauge line from British Rail .
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