Example sentences of "over into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The class struggle between bourgeoisie and proletariat became ever more intense ; mounting economic crises followed in rapid succession and spilled over into the catastrophe of world war .
2 After pushing our boats over into the water , we then righted them by putting all our weight on the centreboards where they poked out of the bottom of the boat .
3 The rationing of the household in the labour market spills over into the goods market by constraining the household 's demand for goods .
4 We were a finely balanced investment , threatening constantly to topple over into the realms of demand and expenditure .
5 He hauled himself after her and Fenella gasped and half fell , half pulled herself over into the Robemaker 's wood-store , to be followed , a minute later , by a rather out-of-breath Caspar .
6 Blake 's work for MI6 included not only gathering intelligence from the Russians but tracking down and watching Communist spies sent over into the West .
7 Furthermore , different voice settings typically characterise different languages , and these settings may carry over into the pronunciation of a second language ( Laver 1991 : 248 ) .
8 The grammar of English is carried over into the signing and presumably evaluation of the adequacy of BSL is based on the ease with which it can be fitted to this English format .
9 Activity in the two days following Cedric Downes 's release had hardly afforded a model of investigative collaboration , with Morse sleeping through until the late afternoon of the Sunday , then idling away most of the Monday in his office , moodily perusing the documents in the case ; and with Lewis doing the converse , making what he felt had been a fairly significant contribution to the case on the Sunday afternoon , and then spending the whole of the Monday abed , where he had lain dead to the wideawake world , and where , even when Mrs Lewis had gently rocked his shoulder at 6.30 p.m. and quietly breathed the prospect of egg and chips into his ear , he had turned his head over into the pillow and blissfully resumed his slumbers .
10 Miniature tidal waves swept up against the waterfront , tearing piers and jetties away , spilling over into the maze of streets , driving a human exodus before them .
11 He stopped the car , reached over into the back seat and grabbed his truncheon , putting it under her throat and rubbing her legs .
12 She reaches over into the back and grabs a couple of cans from the crate lying on the back seat next to his peaked cap .
13 Penry parked the Range Rover in the open space behind the arches of the ancient market hall , then reached over into the back for Leonora 's bag .
14 My pursuers swarmed over into the lane and seized me .
15 Forrest growls like a hate-curdled zombie over the guitar gridlock , and when everything finally gels , as on ‘ Circle Of The Earth ’ , Cerebral Fix bleed over into the epic .
16 Forrest growls like a hate-curdled zombie over the guitar gridlock , and when everything finally gels , as on ‘ Circle Of The Earth ’ , Cerebral Fix bleed over into the epic .
17 The interest in the one form of expression can be carried over into the other .
18 She had joined the Met with three A levels and a huge number of O levels as an eighteen-year-old , then worked her way over into the CID , and was now a Detective Sergeant and ready to move up , having passed the exams for Inspector .
19 The film 's all spilling over into the rest of the time .
20 Just waiting to tip over into the chill of winter . ’
21 How far the glider rolls over into the beginning of the spin depends to a large extent on the amount of yaw present .
22 Long before they had passed the watershed and were looking over into the jaws of the mountains at the head of Loch Morar , young Angus felt he had strayed into a foreign country .
23 From Frankie Goes to Hollywood — who presented the image of two leather queens — through Marc Almond — in the image of a northern gay boy — through Bronski Beat — presented as ‘ out ’ political gays — to the rash of transvestite and transsexual ‘ gender bender ’ stylists like Marilyn and Boy George , sexual divergence has crossed over into the mainstream in a psychological paradigm that services perfectly pop 's current industrial situation .
24 From our Headington Office , proceed down Windmill Road and at the mini roundabout continue over into the Slade .
25 Continue straight over into The Slade , continue for ½ mile and turn right into Dene Road .
26 It was part of the Greek conception of reason , after all , that reason was not just a purely intellectual affair but carried over into the life-world , with considerable practical implications .
27 Further , some at least of the influential individuals in a community may operate outside the field of industrial relations : drawing on the work of Blauner ( 1960 ) , Bulmer suggests that the strong occupational communities characteristic of mining settlements occur because the social relations forged in the workplace are carried over into the arenas of non-work activity , creating overlapping primary group affiliations in which
28 The energy generated from running upstairs and laughing with Stella in distant Florence flowed over into the impulse to ring , in turn , her own mother : a pointless act , but one that nevertheless in the context seemed pious , necessary , propitiatory , and a gesture at least towards her sister , who bore so much heavier a filial burden , who would ( in theory at least ) be pleased to know that Liz had remembered .
29 If this process went on unchecked it should lead to an increasing ripple height , but , as the ripple crests rise , they increasingly interfere with the wind , so that the sand grains on the crests are blown over into the troughs .
30 Of course , the mascara-heavy crowd do n't all appreciate being insulted , and during ‘ America Dream ’ a pint sails over into the singer 's face .
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