Example sentences of "rather like a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A small group ( two bulls and six heifers ) was exported to an English agricultural college in 1988 on an experimental basis , and here it was described as looking rather like a South Devon or a beefy Jersey ; the bulls are being used on the college 's Friesian dairy herd to produce beef calves .
2 It was a big stone , not round , but elongated and shaped rather like a mandolin .
3 We stopped for a snack and were introduced to gorp ( good old raisins and peanuts ) , rather like a trail mix for energy .
4 The mushrooms I have already mentioned but in addition and all for free were blackberries , elderberries , crab apples , bullaces ( the original plum — rather like a damson but sweeter ) , hazelnuts ( if we could outwit the squirrels and get in first ) , bilberries and sloes .
5 My other sister , who was just coming into her teens , Showed very little interest in her big brother 's ‘ crazy ’ owl , but kept her distance , rather like a rabbit , I thought .
6 The fruit has a long pointed protrusion , rather like a bird 's beak , and that 's how it gets the geranium name , meaning ‘ crane ’ .
7 Grey adult rather like a bird of prey , but can always be told by graduated tail , with white spots and tips , and non-hooked bill , and from male Sparrowhawk ( p. 75 ) in particular by pointed wings .
8 The effect is rather like a newspaper carrying blank columns where items have been banned .
9 It is a relational database which is rather like a filing cabinet in which not only the dividers have been removed but also all pieces of paper without words on them .
10 Many , though , might still agree with Mr Harold Macmillan , who said in his 1956 Budget speech : ‘ To tell the truth , I have often thought of Budget Day rather like a school speech day — a bit of a bore , but there it is . ’
11 These are rather like a water heater and storage cylinder in one .
12 With the correct oil/petrol mix , the machine is started rather like a petrol lawnmower .
13 ‘ It 's rather like a cathedral , ’ she murmured .
14 We did indeed use our cars rather like a TV set .
15 Raise the tension , end sessions on a high point so that ( rather like a TV serial ) everybody wants to know " What next ? " , sometimes described as " The Flash Gordon syndrome " .
16 As the vehicle passes over successive toll points , charges will clock up on the vehicle 's account , rather like a telephone bill .
17 A C.B. is a radio that people can talk to each other on rather like a telephone but it is not private as anyone who has a C.B. can listen in to your conversations .
18 They look rather like a music CD but they are kept permanently inside small plastic cartridges for protection .
19 The rufous ovenbird , a South American species rather like a thrush in shape and size , builds on a very large scale indeed .
20 It 's rather like a computer when the disc goes wrong — you know the info is there but you ca n't tap into it .
21 One by one the client 's chains of increasingly irrational thoughts can be extracted rather like a magician pulling a series of connected handkerchiefs out of a pocket .
22 This species looks rather like a bun , but not highly convex , and with a five-sided outline .
23 We may extend this metaphor further by suggesting that our everyday experience of stress is rather like a tap which is placed over the glass and into which it drips drops of stress .
24 The lamb had a nice expression rather like a kitten 's .
25 But they 're taking a video tape — rather like a film , you know .
26 There was often a warrener 's house with sheds where feed , nets , and other equipment would have been kept , and sometimes a boundary , rather like a park pale , can be distinguished around the warren area .
27 In another there is in fact no seat as such , rather like a monk 's misericord , a chair that is not a chair ( Fig. 7 ) .
28 Flushed and harassed , she felt rather like a bone two dogs were snarling over .
29 It was a tiny room , shaped rather like a ridge tent .
30 A glastyn is rather like a BROWNIE , helping the farmer with chores and asking only for a bowl of cream and some bread at day 's end .
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