Example sentences of "rather than [adv] to " in BNC.

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1 Accordingly , butchers are learning to help us ‘ think forwards to the meal , rather than backwards to the animal in the field ’ , as the trade press exhorts .
2 They must also ensure that educational adaptation corresponds to local circumstances rather than simply to national value systems which may have no positive role in helping people to develop their own resources .
3 His poor showing was attributed to public disillusionment with the government , rather than simply to his withdrawal . )
4 However , care must be exercised in the analysis of unfamiliar languages , as demonstratives are often organized with respect to contrasts between participant-roles rather than simply to distance in concentric circles from a fixed deictic centre ( the speaker 's location at CT ) .
5 The position is perhaps best described by saying that the directors owe their duties to the present and the future shareholders , rather than simply to the particular persons who are shareholders at the relevant time .
6 We were all marking time , waiting for our demob , and tended to look back wistfully at what was past and familiar , rather than forward to the unknown future .
7 Held , allowing the appeal , that on its true construction section 9(4) of the Evidence ( Proceedings in Other Jurisdictions ) Act 1975 was a paramount provision which limited all other provisions of that Act and related back to the time of the events in respect of which evidence was sought rather than forward to the time when such evidence would be given ; that since all the evidence sought from the retired Crown servant related to matters which had come to his notice in his capacity as an officer or servant of the Crown , section 9(4) applied and the court had no jurisdiction to make the order for his examination ( post , p. 197F–G , H ) .
8 The madrigals , more clumsy and old-fashioned , look back to the models of Alfonso Ferrabosco the elder [ q.v. ] rather than forward to the looser , more expressive style of Thomas Morley [ q.v. ] ; two of them ( xxi and xxii ) borrow musically as well as textually from Ferrabosco 's settings , published by Nicholas Yonge [ q.v. ] in the influential second volume of Musica Transalpina ( 1597 ) .
9 I regressed Carol to the night of the crime , taking her back to the outing to the cinema rather than straight to the heart of the distressing incident .
10 Beyond this , the use of biography , its actual ability to throw light ( rather than just to be entertaining and nice to have around ) , seems to be a fantasy .
11 The same muddle is evident in Mathematics , 510 , whose arrangement is practically meaningless to modern mathematicians , and in the artificial separation of closely related topics in physics , mathematics , chemistry and biology , which these days are regarded as interdisciplinary whole subject areas of their own , relating tangentially rather than uni-dimensionally to the general scheme .
12 As ‘ literary allusions ’ the Shakespearian references point us back to previous dramatic interpretations of events rather than directly to ‘ real events ’ .
13 It is n't easy to talk naturally to a piece of machinery and your performers may find it easier to talk to you rather than directly to the camera .
14 Are we right to fight for responses to be channelled through National offices , rather than directly to Waterloo .
15 Secondly , they have tried to arrange more and more of their long-term or permanent exhibitions ( not just the ones that have transitory mass appeal ) in ways that give visitors the opportunity to learn , rather than merely to ‘ gawp ’ .
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