Example sentences of "rather [subord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 As he said in a radio broadcast in 1946 , the Criterion in later years " tended to reflect a particular point of view rather than to illustrate a variety of views on that plane . "
2 THE holiday ads are tempting you away with the usual images of fun and sun but rather than taking a package why not invest in that longed-for overseas home ?
3 If these depressions ( or low pressure areas ) are tracking in towards Ireland rather than taking a more northerly route , then the circulation of wind flowing clockwise ( as it must ) round the depression means that south-easterly winds will be blowing over Shetland from the North Sea and pushing any birds unfortunate enough to be flying to ( or from ) Scandinavia at the time in a westerly direction .
4 She had endowed the marriage ( and he could never really like the fellow ) most extravagantly out of her invested money , rather than taking a dip among the jewels that she never wore .
5 Rather than taking the piece as a whole she broke it down into smaller parts and then worked on them with separate hands and at varied rhythms .
6 Driving yourself to the Alps rather than taking the tour operator 's flight has a lot of attractions .
7 It 's easiest to stay on this path rather than taking the more obvious route up the side of the burn .
8 Millward Brown use their own proprietary system of analysis — a form of mathematical modelling — to translate the data for each individual brand into a so-called ‘ awareness index ’ ; and many of their clients have fallen into the tempting habit of using this single number as a measure of the effectiveness of a commercial or campaign , rather than taking the trouble to make a more detailed study of the data underlying the index .
9 By the 1930s , when the problems of dialogue recording made it easier to bring the world into the studio rather than taking the camera to the world ( whereas in the pre-sound 1920s it was fine control of lighting that favoured studio shooting ) , moving images — then and now called ‘ plates ’ — could be projected behind the action and foreground props or sets , provided the camera and projector were ( as in the step-printer already discussed ) exactly synchronized .
10 Perhaps that role for the Scottish TUCC is being rejected because on many occasions it has been reactive rather than taking the initiative .
11 Man will voluntarily integrate his own goals with those of the organization if management works on the assumption not that people dislike work , prefer being directed rather than taking the initiative and respond only to material rewards or threats and sanctions ; but that they have needs for autonomy and independence which must be satisfied through structures of authority that allow self-motivation and self-control .
12 Sara made a statement rather than asked a question .
13 Presumably he should have shot her or let her drown , rather than make a present of her to the French , but there were some things Karelius could not bring himself to do .
14 There was no fairness on earth if someone who would appreciate it and work hard was kept out just because of a greedy , uncaring family who would prefer to forget the child of an unsuitable union rather than make a generous gesture and ensure that some right was done at the end of the day .
15 Seek professional advice if needs be , rather than make a valiant attempt yourself and then regret it .
16 Or we might compare the way Philip II kept Phokis intact in 346 rather than make a present of it to Thebes .
17 It is , though , more overtly apparent when he attempts to limit the damage to the atmosphere of the conversation caused by McKendrick 's accusation of his insincerity when praising Stoke university : Rather than make a straightforward denial , Anderson tries to diffuse the tension with humour by playing on the literal sense of McKendrick 's accusation. his display of urbane wit brings about some laughter from McKendrick but it also elicits a sardonic comment which is a valid observation on Anderson 's character .
18 Rather than make a decisive choice , he played a double game .
19 If this is a valid criticism , rather than make an excuse accept it , apologise and offer a reason — a true reason if you can .
20 Rather than make the risky journey to Scone , James III was crowned in Kelso abbey near Roxburgh .
21 He chose to move towards God rather than continue the journey deeper and deeper into the trap of himself .
22 It has preferred to follow rather than lead the majority of the industry 's employers and seems to have interpreted its own role as that of a safety net to protect the worst-exploited workers .
23 In most of the territories they occupied , the Prussians , by putting pressure on the peasantry to Germanise themselves , concentrated rather than diluted a Polish identity .
24 Thus the hospitals , schools and universities should learn how to help these conscientious citizens to provide financial assistance rather than expect the Treasury to be constantly replenishing their begging-bowls .
25 Whitehall mandarins have discreetly voiced hopes that the party leaders will cobble together an agreement rather than face a second election .
26 However , the tally of six underestimates the total effect because some MPs unsympathetic to Left-wing ideas may have decided to retire a little early rather than face a battle for re-adoption .
27 In the final analysis the need for a swift response to an immediate housing shortage after the war painted almost inevitably to a large-scale local authority housing programme , rather than face a period of delay while housing associations were geared up to the task .
28 He revealed that BMW is prepared to withdraw from the US rather than face the economic suicide such regulations would bring .
29 I think I was just miserable , and it was far easier to believe the reason was something I could do something about , rather than face the fact that my depression was very complicated , based on things like my family not having much money , and feeling very isolated and different from the kids at school .
30 Rather than face the revolution that was simmering under the surface of German political life , they were more than happy to divert attention away from the real cause of the problems in the east and to let the Poles appear to be the troublemakers .
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