Example sentences of "rather [subord] of [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Here if I am wrong , my error is substantial , for in being wrong about whether ‘ pink ’ is the word to describe my present experience I am wrong about what pink is and hence about whether my experience is of pink rather than of orange .
2 But the public reaction seemed one of amused appreciation rather than of apprehension .
3 Lavandera 's response to these difficulties is to propose an initial examination by the analyst of discourse function rather than of surface grammatical form , followed by consideration of the functions which are served by the form — the subjunctive in this case .
4 That the relationships outside this conjugally-based family are , to varying degrees , reflections and expressions of choice , rather than of firm and unambiguous duty .
5 Branagh , too , talks like a winner , and Henry V offers him better than any other play in the repertoire what might be called a yuppie dynamic , a mythology of success and self-definition rather than of struggle .
6 ‘ Henry V offers ( Branagh ) , better than any other play in the repertoire , what might be called a yuppie dynamic , a mythology of success and self-definition rather than of struggle
7 This is , however , a difference of degree rather than of kind .
8 I want to examine aspects of those preoccupations and ignore differences which are of varying orders rather than of kind .
9 It is a matter of scale ; of working with like-minded , self-employed farmers and craftsmen rather than of subservience to faceless officials and giant firms .
10 The check had become a matter of necessity rather than of choice .
11 In Buxtehude , as we have seen , there has been a sharp rise in bicycle use , though this is likely to be a result of the greatly increased opportunities for cycling ( and walking ) rather than of transfer from other modes .
12 In 1245 the king accepted his advice that it would be more splendid to have the leopards , which were planned to go beside the throne at Westminster , made of bronze rather than of marble .
13 Writing when he did , and as he did , to justify an actual rebellion , it is perhaps not strange that he was thinking primarily of politics rather than of law , that the ‘ rights ’ he had in mind were the rights of man rather than the rights of the citizen , or that the sanction for these rights should be extralegal action rather than any constitutional check .
14 She argues that autonomy should not be seen as a psychological capacity , but as a social one , depending on public acknowledgement , and that this acknowledgement arises from the recognition of responsibility rather than of rationality .
15 Indeed , Lord Plowden ( who was at the time a civil servant engaged in economic planning and subsequently the chairman of a public corporation ) has recently suggested that the blueprint laid down in the Act was arguably too detailed , and that questions such as the division of powers between the centre and Area Boards could rationally be placed within the purview of nationalised industry management rather than of Parliament .
16 We should err on the side of restraint , rather than of excess .
17 Implicit in these views was the fact that child abuse was considered to be only one of a range of problems that many families who come under the system 's microscope were experiencing , and that there was a need to respond to all the problems including child abuse , rather than of necessity giving it priority .
18 But these should occur as a result of tradition or of conscious choice rather than of necessity .
19 For those who wish to make the transition back to the NHS , the possession of a certificate testifying to their clinical adequacy only when part of a team of physicians is likely to be a stigma rather than of benefit .
20 Cristofori must have included the check in his pianos from the point of view of design rather than of performance .
21 The preliminary draft of Article 1 did in fact contain , in the English text only , an explanatory gloss to the word ‘ evidence ’ as ‘ including the taking of statements of witnesses , parties or experts and the production or examination of documents or other objects or property ’ ; its eventual omission was for reasons of style rather than of substance .
22 Thus , where disagreement does arise it is usually of degree rather than of substance , and is more likely to concern the detailed application of policy as opposed to general principles .
23 However , the question in the way it is posed by educators usually calls for an answer in terms of commitment rather than of attitude in school or in society and the implementation has begun by the time the thought of research arises .
24 Zuwaya spoke of free people rather than of freedom .
25 An expert shot , a big-game hunter , fisherman , and gentleman farmer , he was a man of action rather than of intellect , of few words , and those often blunt and laconic .
26 They are complicated and obviously designed for a purpose , yet they are not alive , and they are made of metal and plastic rather than of flesh and blood .
27 Generalizations about the state of the towns in late medieval England are , however , risky ; each had its own history , which might be very different from that of its neighbour , and it is likely that even when more individual studies have been made of particular towns the general picture will be one of diversity rather than of similarity .
28 The type of household in which the elderly person lives may , in its turn , be a function of the stage he or she has reached in the life course rather than of age per se .
29 Most of the criticisms one could make concern errors of omission rather than of commission .
30 A sin of omission rather than of commission , quite possibly .
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