Example sentences of "rather [conj] for the " in BNC.

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1 What clearly frustrates him is that so much of the money now sloshing around in professional tennis , is being spent in damaging — or at least potentially damaging ways — rather than for the good of the game , as well as for the good of the individuals who are benefitting .
2 As a result , the majority of farmers continued to concentrate their efforts on the production of food for their own families , rather than for the market .
3 All those rules were for nominal measures — money supply , public spending and borrowing , growth in money GDP — rather than for the volume goals of output , jobs and expenditure that most earlier governments had pursued in vain .
4 Nash argues that the position of women has deteriorated despite development activities because of the concentration on production for profit rather than for the welfare of the population in many Third World countries .
5 The difference is that the tank provides for the passive task of soaking items rather than for the active role of washing .
6 It seems clear , however , that it would be possible in other similar circumstances for a police officer to detain such a person for what he or she did after the offence rather than for the crime itself .
7 Until then , cattle had been required mainly for work and milk but an increasing demand for meat inspired Bakewell to breed for the butcher rather than for the plough .
8 Many biographers fall into a category which might be described as scholarly but not academic in that they are written by professional writers for an educated general readership rather than for the narrower market of academic specialists in a particular subject .
9 So we are talking about developing managers for the NHS , rather than for the ‘ health care industry ’ .
10 Even chemicals that are broken down by different enzymes may ‘ compete ’ : some enzymes need substances known cofactors to help them do their work , so the two chemicals are ‘ competing ’ for cofactors , rather than for the enzymes themselves .
11 There is , therefore , a danger that the assessment is carried out solely to determine the diagnosis and that treatment is designed for the diagnosis rather than for the child .
12 It is also a desirable one for the profoundly deaf young person and should be recognised for this positive value rather than for the negative one of its non-Englishness .
13 Teachers in the classroom are more likely to use miscue analysis for individual diagnosis rather than for the detection of broad developmental patterns .
14 However , such a detailed service is usually organised primarily for the consumer rather than for the media , though answering press queries will be part of its function .
15 However , top management became aware that all of the work-force reductions , although necessary , were not attacking the basic problem : the organization had been designed for another time in history rather than for the competitive world in which it now lived .
16 Elections can not be , and should not be regarded as , a means for approving the details of comprehensive manifestoes and the electors often seem to vote against a party rather than for the winning party …
17 ‘ So they 're a splinter group working for their own evil purposes rather than for the island 's status quo ? ’
18 Ivy Compton-Burnett , whose elegantly minimal and stylized dialogue has similarities with the narrative technique of Nathalie Sarraute , was appreciated in the 1950s primarily for her wit in portraying the viciousness of social interaction rather than for the techniques she employed .
19 Which of these items do you think have been produced by Royal Mail mainly for collectors collectors rather than for the public at large ?
20 He should further refer to and reflect upon the continuous Labour search for excuses for crime rather than for the introduction of any sensible policies to deal with crime .
21 The contractor 's system should allow cost/value comparisons to be made for parts of the project rather than for the project as a whole .
22 Finally , and again in contrast with the pluralist conception of policy-making , the functionally representative producer groups whose leaders are integrated into the state structure under corporatism are used as instruments of mobilization , control and legitimization , rather than for the spontaneous articulation of a plurality of competing political demands .
23 Under the changes solicitors will receive a flat rate for each legal aid case rather than for the amount of time spent on individual cases .
24 Under the changes solicitors will receive a flat rate for each legal aid case rather than for the amount of time spent on individual cases .
25 When the issue of international monetary reform had been seriously debated in 1972 the United States started from the position that ‘ the system should neither bar nor encourage official holdings of foreign exchange ’ , suggesting that ‘ the United States still thought of the SDR as providing a substitute for gold rather than for the dollar ’ ( Williamson , 1977 , p. 176 ) .
26 Orders came in , and that helped the warehouse people unpack the boxes and despatch them ; the information got fed back to the editor to tell him what the sales were , and it was a continuous process and all of the people tended to see the computer as working very much for them , rather than for the other department next door .
27 It was a continuous process , and all of the people tended to see the computer as working very much for them rather than for the other department next door .
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