Example sentences of "when she had been " in BNC.

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1 So she ran through those utterly devastating transformations when she had been In Love , desperately seeking patterns , pointers — digging for something to bring back her joy , her I will survive .
2 Well , not quite , but she felt safer after the memory of other loves , other times when she had been happy .
3 How often had this meant an edgy evening , when she had been unable to concentrate on what people were saying because of an ill-placed fabric rose or an over-embroidered antique shawl ?
4 There had been a time , a brief time , a glorious dawn , when despite her growing awareness of her own sexual failure , despite her anger and frustration , despite her own laziness and lack of commitment , there had been a time when she had been happy and hopeful and joyous .
5 When she had been little , once Fenna had taught her how to fly so that she no longer went wandering off , there had been very little time when she had been left alone .
6 But from when she had been sixteen and had left the Dame School and stepped right into the home life above the shop , it had been borne into her that marriage was a humdrum affair : two people lived together , apparently happy , yet went their own ways , as shown by her parents ; they did n't think alike , yet they did n't argue ; they never laughed at the same things , nor did local or national events affect them in the same way .
7 She had an abundance of tales from the old colonial days , when she had been cook for a white family .
8 Perhaps , she thought it was because Mark had been there at the planning stage — Mark Bristow , the dynamic young advertising executive she had met and fallen in love with when she had been chasing jobs in the heart of Somerset ; Mark who , in spite of being English , had lived long enough in the States to absorb — and give off — some of the typically American blend of enthusiasm and energy .
9 One lunchtime when she had been at the House of Mattli for a few months Paula went there for her usual coffee and the cottage cheese salad that was her staple diet now that it was so important that she did not add a single half-inch to her wand-slim figure .
10 On the few occasions when she had been compelled to enter the water , she had stayed in the very shallowest part of the pool and had never for a moment released her grip on the handrail .
11 This second misfortune seemed to revive her memories of the earlier time when she had been carrying his child and had been given to understand that her husband had been simultaneously carrying on an affair with some young army chauffeuse .
12 One of the few occasions when she had been really cross with me had been when I suggested he might have been wiser to make some sort of provision for his wife and son .
13 Her mother 's breath had been sour as it always was when she had been drinking .
14 She had worked with him once before , when she had been a Detective Sergeant .
15 Kate could smell Pears soap and the smell brought back memories of when she had been younger .
16 ( g ) We do not know what the mother said to Miss T. , because she has not chosen to tell the court , but it appears to be the fact that on the two occasions when Miss T. raised the issue of blood transfusions , she did so suddenly and ‘ out of the blue ’ without any inquiry from hospital staff and immediately following occasions when she had been alone with her mother .
17 Often in the days when she had been touring , had not the same thing happened — and nothing thought of it ?
18 So many nights when she had been left alone .
19 She would be falsely modest not to acknowledge the fact that she had come a very long way since those days when she had been a thin , gawky adolescent .
20 Sometimes , when she had been to a romantic film , or had been kissed good-night by Pogo , she had sat on the edge of her bed , staring at that dark , handsome , boy 's face and tried to conjure up the memory of his living presence .
21 ‘ Everyone does , ’ said Comfort , forgetting the times when she had been driven to distracted cruelty by Julia 's unfailing matter-of-factness — and by her concentration on other people .
22 It was like the time when she had been hunted .
23 She could go her own way , or she must hand over that rebellious will , and seek God 's forgiveness for the years when she had been downright disobedient and pushed Him out of her life .
24 Biting her lip Amabel reproached herself thoroughly and sincerely for not having forced her to wear those whalebone stays all night when she had been growing up .
25 In response the United Kingdom Minister for Overseas Development , Lynda Chalker , cancelled a visit to Nigeria scheduled for October , when she had been expected to announce a £60,000,000 aid package .
26 She might well have stood too , but he was close by and she had a quick memory of when she had been close up against his body before .
27 When , she thought , had there ever been a moment when she had been unsure that she disliked him ?
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