Example sentences of "end [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thread the folded end through the hold and tuck the two ends through the loop .
2 Sadat pitches his cigarette end through the window , gets out of the car and strolls to the gate .
3 She crashed through a tinsel and spray-snow Christmas decoration and , curled up tight , turned head over end through the air , landing neatly on her feet in the street .
4 When clear of the top of the T , finish off by passing the last but one wrap over your finger tip to form a loop , pass round again and slip the end through the loop and pull tight , and the elasticity will hold everything tight .
5 Now secure the plumbline to this bracket and pass the end through the outlet so that the line is taut .
6 Fold one end of the strap over a couple of times and punch a hole through the three layers , then feed the other end through the hole to form a ‘ button ’ .
7 The primacy of classical studies in their chief base ( Europe ) came to an end about the middle of this century .
8 We talked for hours on end about the existence or otherwise of God , the futility of human life , and all the other things that sixteen-year-old girls find to discuss .
9 Estate duty reliefs carried forward to CTT include freedom from tax where an interest in settled property comes to a end during the settlor 's life and the property then reverts to him ( unless , of course , the reverter is by reason of his purchase of the reversionary interest ) ; and an allowance analogous to the old Quick Succession Allowance where within four years there has been more than one chargeable transfer il which the value transferred has been determined by reference to the value of the same settled property in which an interest in possession subsists .
10 Rates of CTT chargeable on the coming to an end of an interest in possession during the lifetime of the beneficiary On a separate matter , it is right that I should inform the Committee , for the avoidance of doubt , that the lower rates of CTT announced by the Chief Secretary on 5th February which would apply to transfers of value occurring during the lifetime of the transferor will also apply where an interest in possession comes to an end during the lifetime of the person beneficially entitled to that interest .
11 But his death and the mystery surrounding it spelt the end for the Church in which he had worshipped for so long .
12 And that could mean the end for the peace camp which dates back eleven years .
13 The bridge is nearly half a mile long , and incorporates an iron swing bridge at the Barmouth end for the passage of vessels on the navigable channel .
14 At his press conference on Aug. 22 Gorbachev took a position of continuing support for the CPSU , saying : " I shall fight to the end for the renewal of the party . "
15 ‘ By signalling the end for the trade union block vote he has brought an air of realism which was so markedly absent under Neil Kinnock . ’
16 There was a notch in the end for the bowstring , but no flight .
17 ‘ Hauling what is the heaviest train of the year composed of at least six coaches with a locomotive at each end for the train , travelling in each direction .
18 If you can find a stake that long at the garden centre , it will probably be painted green , with perhaps a black painted end for the ground — do n't be deceived .
19 I cut them in half , discarding the pointed end for the moment and place them in a seed tray or wooden tomato box on layers of newspaper , narrow ends uppermost .
20 It was always possible that Will Sin 's death might have signalled the end for the band .
21 After an interview with Gedge , it wrote : ‘ The band know that out there lie thousands who would fight to the bitter end for The Wedding Present 's name to be unblemished …
22 There had been complaints for many years from the canal 's users , fed up with waiting in long queues at one end for the procession of boats to clear from the other ; like sitting at traffic lights that never change to green .
23 West Germany : ‘ the nuclear construction programme of the German utilities has practically come to an end for the time being . ’
24 The enlightened Baptist minister Robert Robinson in Cambridge denounced the trade as an encroachment on natural rights and envisaged its end as the result of a general offensive , congenial to Rational Dissenters , making ‘ the natural connection between civil and religious liberty ’ .
25 Using a lightweight saw or sturdy knife , cut one end off the cake drum to make a 20x30cm ( 8x12inch ) rectangle .
26 Mum sat at the end nearest the wall , then my two sisters , whilst I sat next to Dad , who took the outside seat ready for a quick get-away when it was time to take the collection .
27 The first floor of the Post Office had some rooms over the lane which contained at the end nearest the street , some of Salisbury 's oldest buildings .
28 At the end nearest the tube station was a block of shops containing a small supermarket run by Pakistanis , a Greek restaurant run by Cypriots , a triple-fronted emporium given over to the sale of motor-cycle spare parts and equipment and a paper shop run by people who when asked where they came from ingenuously replied that they were Cape Coloureds .
29 Two pieces of 1½″ × 1″ wood were cut to size , painted with a non-toxic wood preserver and screwed ( using self-tapping screws ) to the top of the vat at the end opposite the pump inlet .
30 If , as seems likely , this line swings southwestwards at its western end towards the Farmborough Compression Zone , it may account for the otherwise puzzling discrepancy between the E.N.E.-W.S.W. strike of the basement thrust as seen on seismic ( Chadwick et a/. 1983 ) and the E.-W. trend of the Vale of Pewsey .
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