Example sentences of "children who [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I always have a pile of small , brightly coloured bricks on my desk , because they teach me so much about the children who sit in front of them .
2 However , Tizard does acknowledge that the issue is complicated by social inequality — children who come into care tend to come from the most powerless sector of society .
3 Children who come into care through the courts are committed to the care of the local authority either because they are themselves offenders , or because they are the victims of offences or because they are found in need of care .
4 Children who come to this school are limited to a Fine Arts base , and possibly Graphics .
5 Of course , this is something that private schools already do , but it is interesting that , even in the public sector , some ‘ magnet ’ schools , upset by their relatively poor performance in examination results , are asking if they ca n't exclude children who come to them on placing requests from deprived areas .
6 Sarah Abbott , also from Edinburgh Women 's Aid , added : ‘ These figures highlight not only the amount of women and children who come to us but also the amount who unfortunately we have to turn away because of lack of space , facilities and funding . ’
7 It is not us we talk for , it is for our children who come after us .
8 I also have more than a thought for the people who do have homes but who are living in conditions of appalling squalor , for battered wives and abused children who stay at home because there 's nowhere safe for them to go , and for the husbands who choose to stay with their families in the north rather than abandon them for crazy periods of time because they could find work only in the south , And while we 're on the subject , I 'm sick and tired of listening to government and commerce saying it 's ‘ uneconomic ’ to locate businesses in the north of Britain when we 're currently importing billions of pounds ’ worth of consumer goods from the other side of the world .
9 The romanticized picture of housewives happy over their labour of love is also challenged by accounts of the higher rates of depression among women with small children who stay at home , by such eagerness to take paid work that they will accept rates of pay and conditions of employment that no man would tolerate , and by accounts of the slow hard slog and monotony of housework .
10 Riding holidays are organised for unaccompanied children who stay in the farmhouse and for adults who stay in the village in the Old Thistle Inn .
11 Certainly , at the Florida Disney , the one major blot on the landscape is the vast army of seriously obese men , women and children who swig at litre containers of cola and blob out on ribs , chicken , fries , pizza and ice-cream sundaes all day .
12 Another symptom is writing numbers or letters backwards — again a common enough thing to do when a child is learning to write , particularly if he or she is left-handed , or perhaps dyslexic ; and probably most absurd of all , children who refer to television characters as real people are showing signs of abuse .
13 As noted above , the mortality of children early in their life and the bearing of children who remain in poor health take a toll upon society and family .
14 Children who tend to be irritable , moody , difficult to manage , and emotional about changes or frustrated will generally react with the most disturbance to the birth .
15 Relative difficulty is defined by the percentage of children who succeed in each task .
16 Blind and disabled children who flow through his home are encouraged to feel the fish as a tactile experience .
17 The length of life we can expect to enjoy has gone up markedly over that period and the number of children who die before the age of five in developing countries has been reduced by half .
18 The bare statistical truth of solvent abuse is that one in four of the children who die from the habit do so the first time they ever sniff glue or lighter fluid .
19 Last year more than 30 families in Grangetown with children who suffer with asthma were granted legal aid to explore the possibility of suing British Steel and ICI .
20 ‘ It is very , very common for children who suffer from exam nerves to misread the questions under stress , ’ he says .
21 Francisco-based firm , aims to supply the product to the 10 000 or so American children who suffer from a deficiency of the hormone , which is vital for normal growth .
22 Most children who suffer from day wetting have primary enuresis , that is they have never been dry by day .
23 Children who suffer from prolonged ill-health inevitably benefit less from education than healthy children .
24 The National Council for One-Parent Families is , understandably , concerned about the number of one-parent family children who go into substitute care , arguing that they are more vulnerable to separation because the help they need is often withheld .
25 We have taken steps to draw to the attention of all children who go into a home the fact that there is a telephone number , a contact point and a named officer separate from the home to whom they can complain if they feel the need .
26 Mr Kinnock said : ‘ The battle is not yet over , the battle for the survival of the National Health Service , for proper investment in children who go to local maintained schools , to protect learning and independence in the universities and broadcasting , to secure freedom of information and reform of our democracy , and ensure we shall never again get a government that will use unemployment and recession as its main economic weapon . ’
27 and my children who go to work now have grown up , I 've brought them up ,
28 The children who go to and from school every day .
29 And other children who go to the E N T clinic , and go to the
30 As was clear in the original Warnock Report ( DES 1978 ) , however , the proportion of children who fall within the general definition of special educational needs is around 20 per cent .
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