Example sentences of "went off [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The bombs went off at lunch-time near a busy Boots chemist and a McDonalds hamburger restaurant packed with children and teenagers .
2 The taxes of 1512–15 mostly went off at half-cock , each successive subsidy being voted to remedy the deficiencies of the last : they added only about £75,000 per annum to the Crown 's revenues .
3 In the hope that deteriorating wartime conditions in Vietnam would spark insurrection , a liberation army of sorts was being formed on the border ; but when the attack went off at half-cock ( leaders executed or arrested and followers dispersed ) another threat to the French position was removed and it must have become clear that the only credible threat to French power lay in France itself , at least until the forces of nationalism were able to attract some effective outside sponsorship or else embed themselves in the people to the point where they became an organized national resistance .
4 Most pronunciamientos went off at half-cock .
5 Well , I went off on holiday to Switzerland and on the way back I suddenly thought : Oh my God , what have I done ?
6 I then went off on holiday and forgot all about it .
7 Tom went off on paternity leave and his secretary organised a whip-round to send a card and a gift .
8 Doctor 's with your Pappy now , Miss Cora-Beth , and he 's ill with grieving and Jake went off on horseback not half an hour ago to fetch you and Mr Harry back from your party and we 's been waitin' and waitin' for you … ’
9 The bus reversed its direction and the would-be rioters went off with laughter and cheers , no bad blood on either side .
10 We did n't tell no one about it , just went off to church quietly by ourselves .
11 Back in Frenchay , Caroline , who has never got things out of perspective , changed out of her special Palace outfit and went off to choir practice as if nothing had happened .
12 While the Collector went off to bed in the middle of the day , Harry made a round of the Residency wheel accompanied by the giant Sikh , Hookum Singh , festooned in lengths of chain .
13 As it happens , he went off to bed quite happily .
14 So , course a bit later we all went off to bed and er well I , the next thing I remember were was er me father coming grabbing out to me and me brother , and chucking us more or less out of ou get off downstairs and get under the table !
15 She had a private word with Iain in the after cabin , then put her anorak on over her dress and went off to bed , escorted by Captain Freddie .
16 After dinner we would sit looking out over the three arms of the lake and talk until , drowsy with sun , swimming , food and wine , we went off to bed .
17 Schooldays and the void they both felt when the boys went off to boarding school , followed by the joy unconfined when they came home at the end of term .
18 In the morning Dot went off to school and he was n't there .
19 I went off to school camp for a few days when I was ten , and Mum suggested I took some sanitary towels with me in case my period started , but I dismissed this as silly and unnecessary .
20 And then , after putting the note on his bed for him to read when he came back for his rest and covering it with the undyed hessian bedspread in case their child saw it , she would sit down and try to wring words out of the sleepy little boy at breakfast before he went off to school , and find that she had an empty morning in which to worry about what she had written .
21 She could n't eat any of her meal and went off to school where she had to sit alongside Mr Clark 's daughter .
22 Lisa was up early next morning and on the phone to Emily , anxious to speak to her daughter before she went off to school .
23 They could sense a difference in the days now , sometimes there was almost a rime of frost on the shady side of the woods , and the old pony 's cost was thickening ; in the mornings they went off to school .
24 So she went off to school .
25 When I left the laundry and the kitchen where I received my basic formation as a novice , I went off to university .
26 ‘ From what I understand , you broke off your romance with him and went off to university to pursue your qualifications .
27 In 1972 I went off to university were I could find no handle on art history until I read Why Have There Been No Great Women Artists ? and discovered that research could replace airy-fairy ‘ lack of genius ’ answers with concrete ‘ lack of education ’ answers .
28 what he wanted to do and and then he got a reasonable pass and went off to university .
29 But Jamie longed for adventure and , while still a boy , he joined the crew of a boat at Ayr harbour and went off to sea .
30 From its lofty position one can see the parish of his birth , the route by which his mother took him to Ayr , the town of Ayr in which he ran errands as a boy , the harbour from which he went off to sea , and all of the land that was his estate of Orangefield .
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