Example sentences of "went out to [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first night we went out to a restaurant along the coast .
2 She went straight into the kitchen , and automatically made them both a cup of coffee , a mutual family ritual when one of them went out to a meeting .
3 In the evening I went out to a club , stayed up all night , was late for work the next morning , got sacked and ever since then the rest of the staff have been kind enough to pretend that I 'm still one of them .
4 His work demonstrates that an older person was much more likely to be taken into the household of a relative if they were able to contribute something in return , for example doing domestic work , or looking after children while their mother went out to a job .
5 One time the father was away on business , and the stepmother went out to a harvest festival .
6 ‘ He went out to a paper in East Africa .
7 She radiated tension and embarrassment , so that after the meal Clare went immediately to watch TV in the sitting room , Sue took the children to bed and Bryony went out to a meeting .
8 When they went out to a restaurant together , he would always complain — very loudly so that the proprietor would know who he was and so there would be people around about whom he could fuss were pestering him for his autograph .
9 I went out to the theatre and the opera a lot , and when I had some time off , I was usually able to get away somewhere .
10 But the rabbi was a very kind man and his heart went out to the poor man .
11 He went downstairs , finished his column , then shaved and bathed and went out to the office ripe for conquest .
12 When he finally arrived , the directors of the State Opera , government ministers , and so on all put on their best clothes and went out to the airport to meet him .
13 Then I skipped downstairs and went out to the wheels , locking the back door behind me .
14 She got to the bus station , stood up straight and went out to the ticket counter .
15 Maggie 's heart instantly went out to the fat , cross-eyed girl .
16 He washed and went out to the nearest bar for a tall glass of water and a coffee .
17 Thinking about his mother brought Henry back to the matter in hand and , grim faced , he went out to the car to retrieve the chicken .
18 Sometimes I braved the elements and went out to the garage and thought about a hosepipe on the exhaust of the car , but I was never brave enough to face real oblivion , although when I went to bed at night , I used to refer to it as slipping into oblivion .
19 Word went out to the people of the surrounding area that a conventicle would be held on the muir early on the Sunday morning .
20 Steven , concerned , paid the bill and put his arm round her protectively as they went out to the car .
21 I believe they went out to The Crown afterwards . ’
22 I went out to the yard to check some detail . ’
23 I would have to wait until Mum and Dad went out to the pub so we could n't make it to the first .
24 He quickly got a corn broom , went out to the back porch again and brushed his footwear clean ; then he used the same broom to sweep the snow from the kitchen floor into a safe hiding-place under a scatter rug .
25 Immediately after the Last Supper , Jesus and his disciples went out to the Mount of Olives .
26 Putting the envelope back on the hall table she went out to the shed for her bike .
27 Lifeboat coxswain Dave Kennett , who went out to the yacht , said : ‘ It was a chance in a million they were seen .
28 Sergeant Joe went out to the landing in haste , and Marcelle also appeared , her skirts rustling .
29 He glared at her , wrestling with himself , then he went out to the garage , banging the kitchen door behind him .
30 Patrick went out to the kitchen .
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