Example sentences of "went off in [art] " in BNC.

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1 In Carthage an inveterate schism ( Donatism ) originated when a devout and wealthy lady who treasured the relic of a martyr was rebuked for lavishing kisses on it at the commemoration of the faithful departed at the eucharist ; ‘ she went off in a huff
2 Terrified commuters were already reeling from the first explosion which went off in a flower bed at at 8.39am when the second , larger Semtex blast came 90 minutes later .
3 ‘ We received warnings that mentioned four specific streets and the second bomb went off in a street which was not named in those warnings , ’ he said .
4 Ammunition , grenades , and demolition explosives went off in a deadly firework display .
5 So I let him , Mama , right there on the sofa , and it was n't a bit nice , and in the end Charlie went off in a huff …
6 She received the watch and chain from the pawnbroker 's daughter , together with the new pawn ticket and fivepence , and went off in a pleasured state over the transaction , although a little worried that Queen Mary might find out that her naughty niece wanted to show her legs riding bareback on a circus horse .
7 We used this door when a ghost came on or went off in a cloud of smoke .
8 I sneaked a look behind as we went off in a cloud of dust .
9 ‘ About 2 o'clock , when within about 4 miles of Green Island , for which we were tacking , Mr. Gould went off in a boat with the hope of reaching it before us , and of finding some penguin 's eggs which he is much in want off [ sic ] .
10 Owen went off in a huff and read the papers .
11 And then and then like you know and then she went off in a mood cos I cos I go to let's me sit opposite you like hinting like oh I do n't want to sit there .
12 Brynllys has been farmed organically by Rachel 's family since 1942 , but until 1982 all the milk went off in the tanker with everybody else 's , putting the lie to the old chestnut that organic producers must have a premium .
13 About forty-five minutes later three huge explosions went off in the Wilkerson house , the force of which blew Dustin 's $700 desk through a hole in the wall .
14 Philip Schutte went off in the 18th minute after a tackle on Aadel Kardooni , and Wahl Bartmann followed in the 32nd minute with a shoulder injury .
15 Only when Juha went off in the morning could we have a bit of a rest . ’
16 It went off in the gents ' toilet on the ground floor .
17 ‘ Plancius ’ was anchored some way offshore because of shallow water and reefs , so when the first party went off in the inflatable , we could see no land at all and had to steer by compass .
18 He went off in the direction of some green doors that bore the legend ‘ Narcissus Clothing ’ , muttering , ‘ That 'll do , that 'll do . ’
19 ‘ Fernand went off in the tractor soon after lunch , ’ said Sue .
20 He went off in the direction of the river and the dark bulk of the flatboat .
21 A firebomb also went off in the Plaza shopping centre in Oxford Street , London , on Wednesday morning .
22 Pulling her cloak around her and laying her fork carefully along the wooden pegs on the side of the wain , Alexandra climbed the iron railings , already cold and slippery with new snow , and went off in the direction of the kitchen .
23 In the early hours of yesterday morning the Drumkeen Hotel at Upper Galwally , Belfast , was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
24 The building was extensively damaged when a 200 lb car bomb went off in the car park .
25 The bomb went off in the public gallery , destroying the visitors ' area and blowing a hole through an external wall .
26 ‘ Mr. Gould went off in the morning to the Acteon [ sic ] Islands , which are about a mile distant from each other and at the distance of about 3 or 4 miles from Research Bay .
27 ‘ Tuesday was the day he went off in the van and came back with a bruised face ; presumably you 've got a record of the people he called on that day ?
28 The anniversary of that incident was ‘ celebrated ’ on May 9 last month when firebombs went off in the shopping mall of The Galleries shopping centre at Bristol , at the opposite end of the country .
29 At one stage a bleeper went off in the press gallery which woke up one or two slumbering hacks .
30 No I went off in the car with They climbed over the fence .
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