Example sentences of "went [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 IN her article on car recycling , Liz Moore claimed that in the Eighties , scapped cars went eventually to landfill sites .
2 I went away to university and made some new friends , and John and I finished .
3 No you don't. because er I naturally I went away to work but er I was born here and er you see and , and wh what else did you want ?
4 Only I went away to work then aye and er was n't coming home very often .
5 Unfortunately , it hit the upright and went away to safety .
6 The uncles and aunts presumably knew but Stephen himself had n't heard a word of him since he went away to college in London when he was eighteen .
7 She took the lift up to the sixth floor and came to the room one O nine , which was her room , as she entered she noticed cobwebs and dampness on the walls , she flung her bed , bags on the bed and went downstairs to supper , after her supper she went to report , she went to the reception desk to report the cobwebs and dampness , she rang the bell a few times but no one answered , she was just about to go back to her room when she heard Mr Sandy the receptionist in the back room talking to her assistant , I put the body in Miss Hall 's wardrobe , Jane ran upstairs and sure enough there was a body , Jane rang the police then straight away , please could you come to the Riverside Hotel , there 's something I think you should see , there was a knock at the door and Mr Sandy answered it , hello , oh hello we 've just had phone call from here , are you sure this is the right hotel ?
8 A couple of hours later , having showered and changed , they went downstairs to dinner .
9 What they found liberating was Surrealism 's sanctioning of an art based on personal reality ; and in their quest to express this interior landscape these women went directly to source : to their own bodies .
10 At Easter and Christmas I still went home to Cliff Top .
11 She would imagine calling him up to her room every night before he went home to bed with a man , and taking her silver hairbrush from her desk and brushing his hair out like a daughter 's , one hundred strokes every night .
12 So hungry was he for the role that , instead of going for treatment , he went home to bed .
13 Soon the lawyer said goodnight and went home to bed , where he lay awake for a long time thinking about Enfield 's description of Hyde , and Doctor Jekyll 's will .
14 He completely forgot about young Mabel and at the end of the day went home to bed .
15 Hank went home to lunch .
16 We all went home to lunch in good spirits , and the ‘ open-door schooling ’ , far from being a chore , was a pleasant outing .
17 And he and my mother had a disagreement about this and er the result was that my father became very ill and I went home to Grandma .
18 When she went home to tea with them she ate delicious food .
19 Only amongst his enemies , the French , would there be men like Karelius , who went forth to life or death alone , without a God or prayer .
20 , Sir William ( 1745–1816 ) , vice-admiral , had obscure origins : neither his place of birth nor his parents are mentioned in the Naval Chronicle 's report of his death , but it is probable that he went early to sea , since on joining the Dolphin on 8 July 1766 he was rated able .
21 I made and ate supper , washed up , then watched the changing view of evening from the haven of the cottage window , and went early to bed .
22 They managed to part that night with no more than a friendly kiss , but the following evening when Mrs Wallington again went early to bed was more difficult .
23 The Sunday after they came back from the West Indies , he and Sara and his mother — who was living with them now in a room not much larger than a cupboard , although the view , as Simon constantly said , was staggering — went formally to lunch in their old house .
24 She fell down on the mattress and went instantly to death .
25 As for his goodness , the attempt to live a Christian life was so much a part of Irwin 's public persona that the legend became current that , arriving in India on Good Friday , he ignored the official ceremonies of welcome and went straight to church .
26 It was pretty late and I was tired , so I found my old room and went straight to bed .
27 We both wobbled then , through hours of stones and velvet dusk to the hut , where Sal went straight to bed , leaving me with two soups , two teas and a bottle of wine to deal with .
28 When Sgt Betty Hawkes returned from 34 HQ Communications , she went straight to bed .
29 ‘ I just came home , let myself in by the back door and went straight to bed . ’
30 I went straight to bed but , of course I did n't know that my uncle was n't home . ’
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