Example sentences of "really [verb] what [pron] " in BNC.

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1 They are not really enjoying what they are eating ; they are not even noticing what they are eating ; they are certainly not satisfying feelings of hunger .
2 I found it tiring to have somebody in the house whom I knew was not really enjoying what she was doing .
3 the difference here is that C&P really mean what they say and are doing everything possible to make the quality improvement process happen .
4 It should also include issuing a statement of policy regarding ‘ perks ’ , to form part of all present and future contracts of employment , together with an intensified programme of random checks to show that we really mean what we say .
5 If we really mean what we say we should blacklist those es establishments that refuse to recognize trade unions .
6 You 'll never get another chance like it — if you really mean what you say . ’
7 ‘ If you really mean what you say , then the solution is obvious : you and I must simply bury our differences for the time being .
8 Well very rarely it was I , actually I 'd say I was n't really furnished what they used to call the sofa down the one side and there was chairs around there was no three piece suite or anything like that , but er if it was a wet Sunday afternoon we 'd play draughts or games like that , as we grew older we used to play , play whist , so it was just a room for oh and we had a gramophone , I , I 've actually got the old gramophone case I have n't got the working part I 've got the case upstairs now , it was a , as long as I , we er , I bought it and the pals used to club around and buy a record each week there was er Parlaphone , they used to have a little shop on the corner of Street and Street , and we had it from there , and we used to buy a little , a small record perhaps once a week , perhaps once a month , but er I remember the first record we 'd , we 'd bought as a long play was No No Nanette and er a twelve inch record .
9 Chairman , the last speech was really explaining what I want to get over the fact that so many people want to talk on the issue and to complicate the issue .
10 Will really yield what I want it to .
11 We think , but we do n't really know what they were saying to each other behind closed doors .
12 We are very prone to pontificate about what teachers should think about but we do not really know what they do think about : we formulate issues on their behalf .
13 Only then did it emerge that the settlers did not really know what they intended to do .
14 I do n't really know what they think , or if they think , or if they give a shit about any of it in any case .
15 The guys running the club do n't really know what they 're doing .
16 Erm , at the start it was a bit higgledy-piggly , they did n't really know what they was doing , I felt anyway .
17 He was getting a bit frustrated , they did n't really know what they were supposed to be doing .
18 To buy secondhand is a risk as we do n't really know what we are purchasing .
19 ‘ Only , ’ she said aloud , ‘ only , we do not really know what we are looking for . ’
20 The more it rains , the fuller the stream will get and the bigger the problem , so really , time is the most important factor , especially as we do n't really know what we 're going to find when we get down there . ’
21 A lot of customers accept that because they do n't really know what their statutory rights are .
22 The problem with many of the parents we interviewed of primary school children was that they did n't really know what their children were doing at school a lot of the time and , because they did n't know what they were doing , they sort of feared that it , they were n't doing anything or that what they were doing was not actual work , what they remembered as work .
23 I still do n't really know what it was about birds of prey that fascinated me .
24 She did n't really know what it was about him which made her go pale whenever they met and kept her awake at night longing .
25 I mean , how can you really know what it 's like without trying it ?
26 And the thing that was said a lot was a Slippery Elm stick , well I still do n't really know what it was but er it was a kind of a s , bark of the Slippery Elms , a Slippery Elm bark or something and they sharpened it to a point and inserted that into the womb you see and it was done , and then of course I heard a lot about gin , sitting in a hot bath with gin .
27 You do n't really know what it is .
28 I do n't really know what it is .
29 Well I do n't really know what it , not really
30 Well well I want to understand more about Kuwait , though , as a result of this programme , and a lot of people do n't really know what it means to be Kuwaiti .
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