Example sentences of "' [noun] [pers pn] would " in BNC.

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1 In their friends ' eyes it would have been unreasonably proprietorial of him not to have released her with a minimum of fuss .
2 If a local authority wished to open a new senior citizens ' home it would seem unreasonable to burden the current year 's community charge/council tax payers with the full cost of an asset that might have , say , 50 years ' useful life .
3 Mr Chairman I would like to move the resolution in standing in the Conservatives ' name I would say that I would hope that erm the other side would er join with us in voting that through and certainly have no problem with the relevant resolution that Mr put forward .
4 One of the greatest players ever to put on a Spurs ' jersey I would think .
5 Little did they guess that in a few years ' time they would be telling their friends and relatives about the superstar who used to live next door in the suburbs .
6 What did it matter if there would be no long-term future for them together — that in a few days ' time they would be separated by the cold grey expanse of the North Sea ?
7 With the tournament due to start in a couple of weeks ' time they would soon be past the point of no return .
8 To achieve this in four years ' time I would be doing
9 In three years ' time I would be doing
10 In two years ' time I would be doing
11 Hal B. Wallis , who hired me , was a very shrewd man who recognized that the studio system was over and in five years ' time it would no longer be there . ’
12 Everyone I met kept apologising for the shabby state of the buildings and I had the feeling that if I went back in ten years ' time it would look like the set for some grand-scale horror film , all broken banging shutters and cobwebbed windows .
13 In two weeks ' time it would be one year since he had first come to Iraq .
14 Lying in bed at night , she would remind herself that in only a few months ' time she would be his , and would have assumed his name and taken on the position of head of his household .
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