Example sentences of "off her [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 With one swift , violent movement he tore off her bikini top , exposing her breasts to his gaze .
2 Charsky raised himself on an elbow and picked up the mug of coffee , while Anna slipped off her dressing gown and climbed into bed .
3 The bathroom — which was lavish even by Mayfair standards — was all glass and cool , muted blues , which had looked lovely when she had put it in , but which she now thought was cold and vaguely forbidding , and as she pulled off her pyjama top , she thought it made her flesh look white and dead .
4 Alice stood back away from the trapdoor up into the attic so that she was out of Philip 's sight , and took off her sweat shirt .
5 She dashed off her orange juice , and stood up .
6 To prove she has n't she has started leaving off her trademark scarves to reveal a beautiful , swan-like neck .
7 At eleven forty-five , Laura Maingay switched off her cassette dictaphone for the last time and ran it back to the beginning .
8 Dress your hair in the way I intended , put on my pearl necklace and — ’ Anne drew off her gold ring and carelessly dropped it on to the coverlet ‘ — my wedding-ring .
9 This is the last thing of his I 've got , ’ and she took off her gold wedding-ring and threw it in the fire .
10 He took off her mob cap and touched her dark hair which sprang up in unruly profusion .
11 A prostitute caught Graham 's eye but he shook his head before she could get off her bar stool .
12 His secretary Pamela reads it off her memo pad : ‘ The VC 's PA rang to say could they have your nomination for the Industry Year Shadow Scheme . ’
13 Emily took off her cape feeling she had found an ally .
14 Fooled , he let her in , and she ran straight to his jazz records and whipping off her court shoe brought the heel down on his favourite Blossom Dearie .
15 But she fell in love with a gown set low over the bosom , and unadorned , but for a ribbon or two , in a soft peach that set off her copper tresses .
16 Orders which allow a wife to remain in occupation of the marital home until her youngest child leaves , in effect , put off her housing problems until middle age , when she is often without an income or sufficient capital to make continued owner-occupation a realistic alternative .
17 Her hair was down , making a black foam about her shoulders and setting off her silver circlet .
18 Margaret Bilney of Cam in Gloucestershire cut her finger one day in 1985 , so she took off her wedding ring and put it in her purse .
19 So after two bewildering years , millions of pounds both banked and still rolling in , Kylie expects to live off her celebrity status well into the 21st Century .
20 Her confessor having ordered her to use an ordinary discipline and leave off her iron chain , she made it knot three rows and wore it round her body …
21 He found his mum in the drawing room showing off her Inchbold original to a crowd of people he did n't know .
22 He disconcerted her , baffled and enraged her , sparked off her fighting spirit .
23 At his nod , she took the bag and went into her bedroom , pulling off her denim jeans and wriggling into the leather ones .
24 Buzz took off her radio earphones .
25 Mrs Hollidaye took off her leather gloves and laid them neatly on top of her handbag on the pew beside her , straightened her hat and unhooked a cushion which hung from a brass hook beneath the shelf .
26 There followed several minutes of unusually energetic teeth-scrubbing , loo-flushing and hand-washing before she returned , lay down and switched off her bedside lamp , still without uttering a word .
27 She was taking off her chocolate sweater and was all twisted up , a rather thin but nicely made young girl with a delicate , withdrawn face , against a wall of dark red roses .
28 She had dutifully done so and together they had selected an array of clothes in the deep greens and blues , the rich wine shades that Thomas said best set off her porcelain skin and burnished hair .
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