Example sentences of "off at [art] first " in BNC.

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1 I took off at the first light and made the rendezvous as planned and found the fighters had just become airborne .
2 He kept it rolling and swerved off at the first exit on the right .
3 Instead , people learn to back off at the first sign that somebody might disapprove .
4 As I lie here under the green , seaweedy tent I remember from some trite television interview , a remark made by Brigitte Bardot , loopy Parisienne , namely that in all her many love affairs she was off at the first sign of the waning of passion .
5 And the person who had sorted it together at Birmingham made sure that the next stop it was at , the waggons would be at the back end to leave in that town and this is what my father was doing by er er shunting as it was called , or making a train up to go from Nottingham to London , or some other place in the country , with up to fifty or sixty trucks behind it and they did n't want the trucks next to the engine to be dropped off at the first place and having to shove and push about in their marshalling yard .
6 Even in that jungly light I see something does n't add up : can a corpse have half a nose and two fingers busted off at the first joint ?
7 The stem of this one was easily broken and often the head would fly off at the first stroke .
8 ‘ If you could just drop us off at the first five-star hotel you come to . ’
9 I 'll drop you off at the first station we come to . ’
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