Example sentences of "off [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Barclays Bank has written off £240m of debt attributable to the property company Imry ; it is one of the largest individual debt write-offs in the UK .
2 On Sept. 17 the Syrian delegation broke off discussions with Israel , claiming that the talks were useless while Israel continued to refuse to discuss a full withdrawal from the Golan .
3 The 16″ and 19″ colour models of the Sparcstation 2 are off 17% at $15,300 — £12,300 — and 11.9% at $16,300 — £13,000 — respectively .
4 Cut off values for acid clearance times of 290 seconds and for the percentage of time at pH<4 of 11.5% discriminated in all but one patient between groups I and II .
5 Ironically this change in public opinion came at a time when Arab terrorists were letting off bombs in Paris , which French people thought quite terrible .
6 It is considered justifiable to let off bombs in Britain and kill innocent people , blaming Arab countries , if that helps Israel .
7 So while it was wrong for the IRA to let off bombs in Northern Ireland it was quite all right for the DGSE to let them off in New Zealand .
8 According to the report the SSPV , led by Nguyen Kiet , had planned to assassinate a number of high-ranking officials and set off bombs near Ho Chi Minh 's mausoleum on Sept. 2 , Vietnam 's national day .
9 These included lower interest rates on farm loans and emergency funds to enable dairies to pay off debts to farmers for unpaid milk .
10 Two million pounds stolen from the pension funds of Robert Maxwell 's former employees may have been used to pay off debts at Oxford United football club .
11 In January 1990 the United States agreed to write off debts worth $178,400,000 , and in February France agreed to write off F1,330 million ( approximately equivalent to $234 million as at Feb. 5 , 1990 ) of official debt .
12 Markets shrug off rise in inflation
13 All the same , museum curators will have carried out a critical task in selecting the exhibition , in some instances having fended off proposals for inclusions with a political or a particular cultural bias .
14 Biggest home win was a month ago against Halifax , so they need to find this form again to shake off Colchester at Edgar Street .
15 But that overlooks the bravura technique , the shock imagery that put the viewer in the midst of terror and sparked off waves of swimmer fear and the great macho-debunking humour that thrives between police chief Roy Scheider , shark hunter Robert Shaw and ichthyologist ( look it up ) Richard Dreyfuss .
16 Recruitment takes off thanks to Springboard
17 It is highly luminous , and is unstable , periodically throwing off shells of materials .
18 Gamma is quite definitely variable , and is an unstable star , with a luminosity about 6000 times that of the Sun ; periodically it throws off shells of material , though these can not be detected visually .
19 The Doctor spent several minutes inspecting his hat , turning it over in his hands and picking off specks of dust .
20 A Buryat tale relates how one of their groups decided to link itself with the Russians because their own khan chopped off heads for crimes which merited mere birching in Muscovite territory .
21 At breakfast she occasionally annoyed us by reeling off lists of groceries we were all to pick up during the day and bring home in time for dinner .
22 ONE of Miami 's most racially charged trials in recent years was nearing a climax yesterday , as the jury deliberated on the fate of a Hispanic policeman whose killing of two blacks sparked off rioting in January .
23 Sun Microsystems Inc shares were off $2.50 at $32.375 yesterday after the company 's chief financial officer suggested that the quarter 's results may fall below expectations , prompting analysts at Dean Witter and Goldman Sachs to express concern about the workstation maker 's order levels this quarter .
24 Sun Microsystems Inc shares were off $2.50 at $32.375 last week after the company 's chief financial officer suggested that the quarter 's results may fall below expectations , prompting analysts at Dean Witter and Goldman Sachs to express concern about the workstation maker 's order levels this quarter .
25 Conversely , when facilities are made available , LIFESPAN users may send off transactions to LIFESPAN for processing as normal .
26 He snapped off armfuls of branches and brought them back in piles to Ratagan .
27 For all that , it had the feel of a city wakening up after a long sleep and beginning to shake off decades of despair .
28 International : Army tries to fend off blame for shelling
29 On 22 July , David Sugden , a professor of geography , resigned from the Nature Conservancy Council for Scotland ( NCCS ) and from its Science and Research Board because of a last-minute decision to cut off universities from involvement in research .
30 The Junkers drained the banks to the very limit of their credit and were then forced to sell off plots of land to repay the interest on their debts and refinance their lifestyle .
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