Example sentences of "off [pos pn] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I step off my chipboard kneeler on to a joist in order to slide the three-foot square board up near the eaves in the corner .
2 I also had high hopes of the Electricity Board , particularly as I had taken to cutting ‘ Miss ’ off my meter reading cards with scissors and it was one of those cards you are n't allowed to cut or mutilate as it upsets the computer .
3 I took off my shoulder bag and binoculars and hung them on nails hammered into the slightly crumbling concrete .
4 I was wearing the King 's ring , but I took off my Rassendyll family ring and gave it to her .
5 Pay off my Visa bill ; 8 .
6 I took off my battle-dress jacket .
7 The half-hour is up , but as I turn off my tape recorder , Lord Archer shows no signs of wanting to finish .
8 In contrast , Stephen Timewell , mayor of Taunton in 1682 – 3 , a man who prided himself as having " tamed these stubborn Fanatics " during his term in office , nevertheless found that he too had to " leave off my shop trade , for ever since I have done these things not one of a hundred comes near me to buy or sell and they make it their business to persuade people not to come near me " .
9 I took off my tin hat to feel the sun on my face .
10 It is what do I sell to pay off my bank manager and my creditors ?
11 Slowly I took off my wedding dress and veil .
12 My mother looked dissatisfied , but I switched off my bedroom light and we were moving downstairs towards Robert and the tray of martinis .
13 With one swift , violent movement he tore off her bikini top , exposing her breasts to his gaze .
14 Charsky raised himself on an elbow and picked up the mug of coffee , while Anna slipped off her dressing gown and climbed into bed .
15 The bathroom — which was lavish even by Mayfair standards — was all glass and cool , muted blues , which had looked lovely when she had put it in , but which she now thought was cold and vaguely forbidding , and as she pulled off her pyjama top , she thought it made her flesh look white and dead .
16 Alice stood back away from the trapdoor up into the attic so that she was out of Philip 's sight , and took off her sweat shirt .
17 She dashed off her orange juice , and stood up .
18 At eleven forty-five , Laura Maingay switched off her cassette dictaphone for the last time and ran it back to the beginning .
19 Dress your hair in the way I intended , put on my pearl necklace and — ’ Anne drew off her gold ring and carelessly dropped it on to the coverlet ‘ — my wedding-ring .
20 This is the last thing of his I 've got , ’ and she took off her gold wedding-ring and threw it in the fire .
21 He took off her mob cap and touched her dark hair which sprang up in unruly profusion .
22 A prostitute caught Graham 's eye but he shook his head before she could get off her bar stool .
23 His secretary Pamela reads it off her memo pad : ‘ The VC 's PA rang to say could they have your nomination for the Industry Year Shadow Scheme . ’
24 Emily took off her cape feeling she had found an ally .
25 Fooled , he let her in , and she ran straight to his jazz records and whipping off her court shoe brought the heel down on his favourite Blossom Dearie .
26 Her hair was down , making a black foam about her shoulders and setting off her silver circlet .
27 Margaret Bilney of Cam in Gloucestershire cut her finger one day in 1985 , so she took off her wedding ring and put it in her purse .
28 So after two bewildering years , millions of pounds both banked and still rolling in , Kylie expects to live off her celebrity status well into the 21st Century .
29 Her confessor having ordered her to use an ordinary discipline and leave off her iron chain , she made it knot three rows and wore it round her body …
30 He found his mum in the drawing room showing off her Inchbold original to a crowd of people he did n't know .
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