Example sentences of "off [coord] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Write off or write back ?
2 The unions ' joint strategy committee agreed to raise strike pay from £100 to £125 a week plus top-ups from individual unions but confirmed that those laid off or locked out will not qualify for payments .
3 Support for the 35 Zephyr systems out in the field is likely to be sold off or sub-contracted out .
4 Using the edges in this manner on ice might cause the points to skate off or shear out ( Fig 4 ) .
5 Chemical activity is often limited , particularly on irregular items , because the product runs off or dries out before the necessary contact time has elapsed .
6 Yes , because actually thinking about it across the board , those energetic women in soaps have been married off or calmed down .
7 There was a common sequence to nearly every teaching session observed : the teacher settled the children down ; explained the tasks ; allocated children to groups ; interacted with one or more groups while they worked ; initiated finishing off or tidying up .
8 They are biological catalysts — other words they trigger off or speed up a process such as the break down of waste in an aquarium .
9 The prostaglandins also set off or cut down or stop specific enzyme reactions within the cells , thus allowing the body to react to the environmental stresses and insults and so keep itself intact .
10 We were parts of the intelligible , not marked off or cut off , but belonging to the whole .
11 ‘ Practically the only good thing which can be said about the patronage system , ’ said the Archdeacon , ‘ is that it prevents dioceses selling off or pulling down at least some few of their beautiful buildings . ’
12 The most pointed criticism is that the angle of the bevel is not rounded off or taken back far enough , so producing an elbow that hinders the smooth entry and flow of cut .
13 She shrugged , slipped the one-piece off and kicked off her briefs , then stood there , her hands at her sides , making no effort to cover her nakedness .
14 They could thus prevent any group of workers going off and setting up their own workshop in competition to the merchant and capitalist class .
15 This was because , when her long beautiful legs were high in the air , her yellow garter flew off and fell down to the men below .
16 On the left the slope broke off and fell down a cliff to the river . "
17 Under the circumstances , with the band far keener to slope off and mope back at the hotel , the gig goes remarkably well .
18 Chris , tall , lithe and manly , strips off and goes in for a swim in his panda-briefs .
19 Needs some help and gets it from Thomson who started this move off and lifted in towards Agnew , Cooper clears it still has n't gone out and er Phillips just prevented it I think going for a corner , yes it 's a throw .
20 When he had gone , she turned the light off and lay back on the bed , still in her dress if not her knickers , staring at the ceiling .
21 ‘ They had to get rid of the offensive literature , they could n't burn it , so they scraped it off and grafted back some skin from my arse …
22 The doctor switched it off and carried on with the work in hand .
23 It was messy and tragic and Kathleen wanted to cry for her , but the cameras kept rolling and she shrugged it off and carried on .
24 After a particularly barbarous game of Murder Ball in the school gym , I stripped off and queued up for a quick soaking , along with 40 other pre-pubescent boys .
25 Hence , a sequence of shots might be : mother and toddler together on sands , toddler crawls out of picture leaving mother watching to see where it goes cut ; an older child digging a sand castle cut ; closer shot of mother looking out of picture in opposite direction , turns to look back in direction of off-frame toddler , cut from her to toddler who is now well on way to the sea cut ; father getting to his feet to go after child , pan with him as he sets off and catches up with the wanderer , they start to walk back to mother cut ; the older child carries on with its castle-digging ( see pages 62–63 ) .
26 She just appears out of thin air- ’ At this point Mildred broke off and looked around in case she had done just that , but she had n't .
27 ‘ Best get on , get off and get out , love , ’ said Malc gently , and went off to watch Tanya dispose of the tennis balls , leaving me to climb into my home-made stage gear .
28 ( Negative about writing , especially creative writing , will put it off and get out of it if he can .
29 And I felt like saying fuck off and get out !
30 Segments of DNA can make extra copies of themselves which then move off and re-insert on completely different chromosomes .
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