Example sentences of "think [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh that would have been I think it was between the wars , I think between the time of the world wars .
2 So they are probably very useful erm toys , educational toys , to have in the home , but I think for the child to get the maximum from them they do he often does require an adult with him .
3 So they are probably very useful erm toys , educational toys , to have in the home , but I think for the child to get the maximum from them they do he often does require an adult with him .
4 I , I would like to support this Chair , and it 's a relatively small amount , especially I do n't know how much it would , it would cost , but erm , Andy the er , District Youth Officer , did produce er , er , a very much in-depth report erm , to the last of the Southern Area Youth Advisory Committee , erm , showing erm , how much demarcation er , the , the , the actual river does produce , and is very much a relatively deprived area , and I , I think for the amount of money that 's involved here , I think in view of what he said then , I do n't know the area at all , but er , I , I think he would be erm , very impressed with it .
5 I did , you 'll have to forgive me , I mean I think for the sake of those who were not at the meeting erm what we should really say is that actually said that he wanted to hear what kind of a parish we are so that he could attempt to match the , the incoming priest with you know the need of the parish .
6 I think for the time being I I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I think that it makes sense to be fully in control of it , I think that I you know have great faith in Virgin Atlantic , erm I think that it erm it 's got a great future , erm but erm er I do n't think it would be that easy to erm you know to I do n't think we 'd have partners falling over themselves to get into the airline business in in in this recession .
7 So I think for the time being , if you allow us , we will find out which tables we want and then we will fund raise for them and get the money for them , okay .
8 I think it 's er I think for the Summer not for the Winter .
9 I think for the moment I 'll just enjoy these two dishes if that 's okay .
10 It 's fairly readable , I think for the non-forester as well as being fairly technical of course as well .
11 See a certain percentage have blown in I think off the grass and if I had some sort of a
12 Think about the mission .
13 You think about the person all the time , I think about you all the time , that 's what you say .
14 If you lifted a large laundry basket think about the size of a laundry basket , think about where the hands would go then down , lift it up and if it 's full of laundry then it 's obviously going to be heavier than if it was empty but that 's the size .
15 What did Anglesey people think about the workhouse ?
16 I think about the mood of Greece ,
17 Think about the man who shot me after I had saved his little girl from the river .
18 We realise that this is a subject which warrants much consideration , as we think about the life and reverence of our churches and look to the future for .
19 Think about the money , about a quarter of the staff that they did have .
20 It was this thought that started Einstein on the road to his theory of gravity — still the most beautiful way of organizing how we think about the Universe .
21 okay let's expand that , yeah think about the beginning of the training session where you want to involve them .
22 1 Think about the subject and jot down ideas and facts as they occur to you .
23 The type of frame you choose for your finished work is an entirely personal decision , based on your own likes and dislikes , but I would strongly suggest that you think about the type of frame you will be using right from the start of your work .
24 At the outset , think about the type of feeling you want to create in the room — whether formal or informal , restful , lively , elegant or cottagey .
25 Think about the sea . ’
26 Just stop and think about the word freedom .
27 Think about the word survive , before I tell you , what does that mean , survive ?
28 As the days passed Creggan got used to Slorne 's silence and grew to like it and he would perch at his stance and think about the land in the South where the two of them came from and try to imagine what it was like .
29 Think about the mark points that are most likely to be indicated on the map : village churches , tumuli and ‘ castle mounds ’ , stone circles and standing stones , wayside crosses and beacon sites .
30 When you think about the wiring involved , and the , the hours it takes to put one in I think that they 're good value for money .
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