Example sentences of "think [prep] all [art] " in BNC.

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1 Think about all the video opportunities that await you : golden beaches , sparkling waves ; the sound of the sea ; snow-capped mountains , the swing of the ski-lift and the chatter of the wintersports crowds ; sleepy Mediterranean villages ; the tinkle of distant cowbells ; the bustle of busy airports ; the surge of city traffic .
2 I want to go home now and think and think about all the things I 've heard this afternoon . ’
3 Think about all the things you would like to achieve , obtain , or experience , within the next five years , in different areas of your life — work , home , leisure , personal — and then list them .
4 I think about all the things we used to do .
5 It 's the same sort of cities commercial centre er let's explore the opportunities , there must be a market place out there er and market place across the north of England must be vast when you think about all the pension funds that are connected to the er to the public companies .
6 Yeah well and think about all the other weeks he gets , half term erm
7 but think about all the people that we are nice to , I mean look at James , a prime example , have I ever been a bitch to him , never , but I stand up here , when I see him I 'm like oh yeah ha ha , you know , laugh along with his jokes and
8 You think of all the things you might have done and did n't .
9 Think of all the division in the Christian family which mocks the idea of us as a reconciled body .
10 Think of all the diets that have been published in recent years .
11 When you think of all the valuable things you ought to remember and never can .
12 Think of all the people who went to the Liverpool football ground at Anfield and hung scarves and flowers on the gates of the stadium the day after the Hillsborough disaster .
13 ‘ I think of all the boys that came after , all the ones that went before too and were subjected to Gilly 's approach to education . ’
14 Think of all the waves around you as potential ramps from which to launch yourself .
15 You think of all the proverbs , the various sayings and you think of all the hymns you learnt in your youth .
16 You think of all the proverbs , the various sayings and you think of all the hymns you learnt in your youth .
17 ‘ Growing older may mean you have to work harder to stay in shape , but it can be done — think of all the glamorous film stars who are in their fifties ! ’
18 Think of all the people we shall meet , and the places we 'll go to , and the things we shall do ! we 've had some good times at Pinehurst , I know , but think of being free ! ’
19 Think of all the things we meant to do when … ’
20 Think of all the opportunities that are available each day to walk , instead of taking the easy option by using cars , buses , taxis and trains .
21 Think of all the times I have n't come across my next-door neighbours on holiday in Innsbruck , or met my dentist while eating a cream meringue … more coffee ? ’
22 It only needs to be a couple of shelves but think of all the thrills , spills and adventures you can pack into that space .
23 But think of all the medical disciplinary cases that hit the headlines .
24 Think of all the malpractice suits . ’
25 Think of all the things you want to hit !
26 As we sat in the ATV canteen after recording the first eight episodes of The Power Game , he said : ‘ Think of all the fame stored up in those rolls of tape .
27 Just think of all the people you are at different times , in different places .
28 Think of all the selves you put on — selves that are n't really masks because they are a true part of the core being — but that often coexist uneasily , compelling us to recognise the tension and contradictions between the different selves .
30 ‘ Yes , when you think of all the temptations and pitfalls , it 's a wonder anyone stays married for long . ’
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