Example sentences of "think [prep] the time " in BNC.

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1 Oh that would have been I think it was between the wars , I think between the time of the world wars .
2 I think for the time being I I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I 'd I think that it makes sense to be fully in control of it , I think that I you know have great faith in Virgin Atlantic , erm I think that it erm it 's got a great future , erm but erm er I do n't think it would be that easy to erm you know to I do n't think we 'd have partners falling over themselves to get into the airline business in in in this recession .
3 So I think for the time being , if you allow us , we will find out which tables we want and then we will fund raise for them and get the money for them , okay .
4 But just think about the time involved .
5 ‘ When the conflict is bitter , think of the time when you were not your own masters , how its bitterness can never be forgotten !
6 I think at the time the RAF had more volunteers than it could cope with and much weeding out was done , but in his case he blotted his copybook good and proper by doing a bit of unauthorised low flying over a south Devonshire town , frightening all the old ladies .
7 I think he just figured he would n't do it — he 's in this big rock band and would n't think of doing it , although I think at the time Phil would have !
8 Children are not unfamiliar with situations in which they tell , or are told , what someone else said or thought ; or in which they tell what they themselves said or thought at some point in the past or think at the time of speaking .
9 Again we got into time constraints , there was one or two things obviously that were n't filled in , but I think that 's only been nitpicking I think at the time .
10 I think at the time of the er , of the A G M , I said we were pleased by the prospects and in the current statement I say the outlook continues promising , but I do n't think at any point we 've made more of a forecast than that .
11 I have heard her called a professional invalid , but I think by the time she retired to bed she must have been genuinely worn out , and duty done , how seductive must have been the temptation to escape into that room at the end of the house , with its garden door , and warm fire ; to write poetry , like Elizabeth Barrett Browning , and to be waited on by her daughter ( ‘ Coming , Mother ! ’ ) who would , and did , cope with the house and the shop and even my grandfather .
12 And I think by the time we get
13 And I think by the time she 'd finished it would be half price , she 'd walk out with the thing half price , and she 'd say , well you know , it 's just , they make up prices and you go to another shop and it would be the half price marked , and you go into another shop it would be , you know ,
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