Example sentences of "made by a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Please note that , whilst the above are not actual statements made by a serious accident victim , they have been selected because we believe they give a fair representation of the kind of problems which may occur after an accident .
2 Her tutored eye saw that it had been made by a skilled seamstress , the tight , low-cut bodice erupting in a flurry of lace at the breast , the equally tight sleeves stiff with fake pearls and silver thread which formed the same flower design that was on the over-skirt .
3 Packed away on dusty dark shelves weights and measures used by council trading standards officers , miniature fairground memorabilia made by a keen amateur craftsman from Oxford , and discovered only yesterday a crescent shaped match box .
4 His arrest , as I have suggested , will often be made by a uniform ‘ polis ’ whose physical handling of ‘ the body ’ ( the person apprehended ) will be tempered by an acute awareness of the need to maintain physical domination .
5 So for example ‘ My Beautiful Launderette ’ ( a highly successful gay love story ) was made by a straight director .
6 Blue water gas was made by a cyclic process .
7 The test picks out a protein made by a defective gene , the presence of which indicates the patient has the fastest-moving type of cancer .
8 In R. v. Merthyr Tydvil JJ. ( 1885 ) 14 Q.B.D. 584 , it was held that an objection made by a chief constable to an application for a licence to the court in their private room was not one to which the court could give effect .
9 At his barracks in London 's Knightsbridge yesterday , the major refused to comment on the new allegations which are understood to have been made by a junior officer or private .
10 I agree with his conclusion that , although the power to release a life prisoner on licence is conferred by section 61(1) of the Criminal Justice Act 1967 on the Secretary of State , the decisions leading to that release , including the decision as to the period to be served by the prisoner for the purposes of retribution and deterrence , may properly and lawfully be made by a junior minister in the Home Department .
11 This could occur where a mistake is made by a junior doctor who has been required to work long hours because of his contract of employment and made the mistake through exhaustion .
12 comparison of the stability of a product made by a modified method with that of the original product
13 Fujimori 's visit — the first to be made by a Peruvian president — was also interpreted as a sign of greater flexibility , with Fujimori referring to the prohibitive financial costs of fortifying the disputed area at a time of economic crisis .
14 In a majority of cases no tender was made by a private sector firm but the potential threat was enough to cause council leaders to reduce staff or rewrite employees ' terms of service ( The Price of Winning 1989 ) .
15 Using the radiographic evidence , an experimental replica of the blade was made by a modern smith from eighteen laminated rods of twisted wrought iron welded in the same way .
16 Made by a small independent firm , it stood little chance against the big toy companies with huge promotional budgets .
17 Profits were made by a small number of heavily promoted productions .
18 They were made by a small four-footed creature , almost certainly a lizard-like reptile , running across a beach .
19 It is assumed that the statements made by a small number of teachers during the case study interviews each refer to one or more underlying attitudes , towards the Solihull scheme or towards SSE as a general notion .
20 23 of these students are funded by Christian Aid , and the selection of which students to fund is made by a small Christian Aid Sub-committee .
21 ‘ But you must agree that the footprints were made by a living creature , not a ghost ? ’
22 An attempt to answer this question , and one which in the opinion of S. G. F. Brandon shows some consciousness of the significance of the factor of time , was made by a late Zoroastrian priest renowned for his orthodoxy .
23 It 's understood that allegations of indecency were made by a 17 year old trainee monk in Brixton .
24 He guides us among its ‘ toy-like villas , each different in design and each set against a background of trees A curling road winds through , but not everything is revealed at once : a chimney for but a moment here , a turret window through a gap between two acacia trees , a gable partly concealed by the fretted roof of a conservatory , an almond tree in blossom branching over the pavement , a spot of scarlet colour made by a distant pillar box . ’
25 THE well-publicised exploits of Duncan Shearer , Eoin Jess , Mixu Paatelainen , Scott Booth and others in compiling a total of 71 Premier Division goals for Aberdeen to date this season have tended to mask the contribution made by a miserly Pittodrie defence .
26 There are obviously loads of guitar overdubs on it , but they 've managed to keep it sounding like a record made by a three-piece band .
27 In return , he offered Morris Perry Worsthorne 's comment on a speech made by a Liberal candidate at a by-election in the 1960s .
28 The rules will be drawn up by the Law Society ‘ having regard ’ to suggestions made by a new lay-dominated independent advisory committee on legal education and conduct .
29 Watch for new trousers made by a new manufacturer , and also new shirt designs printed onto in-house created sweatshirts [ rather then just whacking the design onto a Hanes job ] .
30 In one of the most outspoken statements ever made by a Metropolitan Police officer of his rank , he says : ‘ The council has been ensuring that as many cases as possible are referred to the SMG , a pernicious organisation spewing out lies and propaganda in pursuance of their own ideological aims .
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