Example sentences of "made the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 WHEN delegates of the Whitbread Merit Table clubs took time off from their deliberations over leagues last week to enjoy a day out at the University Match , they took the opportunity to complain to Cardiff about the legions of players who have made the journey to the Arms Park in recent months .
2 William Hazlitt 's visit to Somerset , so eagerly anticipated since January , began in fine summer weather towards the end of May.24 Having made the journey from Shropshire more quickly than he expected , he lingered nervously at Bridgwater for two days .
3 Upper Gumtree 's trainer had n't made the journey from Australia , and nor had his usual jockey : Canadian substitutes had been found .
4 I had made the journey from Aix a dozen years earlier .
5 Nicholas was not the first Scottish star who has made the error of moving to London in the belief that the terraces are paved with gold .
6 But he 'd made the error of showing a little too much claw at the same time .
7 The 1980 Social Security Act had made the abdication of one 's duty to support one 's dependants a criminal offence .
8 ‘ Could n't you have made the boy into an ordinary thief , and then got him arrested and sent out of the country for the rest of his life ? ’
9 This has made the profitability of investment very important .
10 But this past decade has seen fundamental changes in the British economic and political scene that have made the provision of social and economic resources more difficult : what affect could this have on the class structure ?
11 In a sense , this huge construction had made the whole of Old Navan redundant , a quaint fringe on the edge of Shopping-Centre Land .
12 If such receiving order be made the whole of the assets vest in his trustee as from the date of the act of bankruptcy .
13 But she could have made the whole of his life an adventure , so that he never need feel lonely again .
14 Having been taught that , at a time when priests were not disagreed with , it is small wonder that John Kennedy should have involved himself , and thousands after him , in an anti-Communist crusade in Vietnam ; that Joseph McCarthy should have conducted his anti-Communist witch-hunts ; or that Casey should have made the fight against Communism his life 's work , even asking that money should be given after his death not for flowers , but for the contras .
15 Apartheid has also made the fight against AIDS very difficult , according to Refiloe Serote , director of the Soweto-based Township AIDS Project .
16 Ms Pavord supports her ‘ purist ’ proposal by arguing that the National Trust already owns two ‘ real ’ houses — Dyrham and Hanbury — designed by Talman , ‘ the first architect of Uppark ’ and two — Felbrigg and Nostell — by Paine , ‘ thought to have made the saloon at Uppark ’ .
17 This assumes that a depositor is the person who will have made the deposit in question .
18 Tyndale 's claim that ‘ God hath made the king in every realm judge over all ’ also made a favourable impression on Henry , and he subsequently declared : ‘ This book is for me and all kings to read . ’
19 As we have made the choice of stations more sensitive , particularly in Scotland , the system itself will be more sensitive .
20 It has already been noted that some science students had made the choice between science and arts on the basis that it was easier to keep up with arts in one 's spare time than it was to keep up with science .
21 What but the return of these handmaidens to our kitchens in the re-incarnated form of electric mixers , blenders and beaters has made the revival of one of our most characteristic national delicacies a feasible proposition ?
22 SIMON McCRACKEN , a 21-year-old fullback , has made the jump from fourth division Blackwood to first division Newport in a style which stamps him as a player to watch .
23 Finally , Frank Crockford showed a clear pair of heels on a run to the corner after that man Powell had again made the opening by bursting through the centre .
24 James Coats , junior ( 1841–1912 ) , was a member of the Paisley family of industrialists J. & P. Coats , whom most of us know best as the makers of sewing cotton but he appears to have made the presentation of these libraries Personally and not through a trust established in connection with the firm .
25 The Select Committee , packed by the government with its own supporters , was now expected by Huskisson , President of the Board of Trade , to approve a Bill drafted by the shipowning interest which would have made the organising of trade unions , and even friendly societies , virtually impossible .
26 Nurse Jones , bless her , had made the pot of tea .
27 As Bürger has it : ‘ Aestheticism had made the distance from the praxis of life the content of works .
28 Ramsey was made the chairman of the commission on this theme .
29 The housing has followed a linear type of development , which has made the village about one and a half miles long .
30 The completion of the Corrieyairack road — it was also the end of the road-building season for that year which ran from April to October — was made the occasion of a notable celebration , here described by an eye-witness :
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