Example sentences of "made in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ At least it 's made in the genuine outdoor manner with the billy of water suspended from an iron bar over the flames .
2 In terms of effects on the supply of work effort , a case against the current system of direct taxes and in favour of a switch towards indirect taxes might be made in the specific cases of poverty and unemployment traps .
3 An incision is made in the lower right abdomen through which the appendix is located , clamped and removed — a purse string suture is inserted around the stump and is pulled closed .
4 Other proposals made in the Vusela-2 report were the expansion of both houses of parliament , with the House of Assembly increasing from 40 to 50 elective members , and the Senate from 10 to 20 members .
5 Does n't a psychoanalytically-influenced feminism depend ultimately , like psychoanalysis itself , on the professional authority of discoveries made in the analytic session , by analysts who are , in any case , rarely feminists ?
6 A more precise source for this than archaeology is the record of tax assessments , and more particularly the grants of tax relief which were made in the fifteenth-century reassessments .
7 Guinness was accused of bad faith , in particular for failing to adhere to promises made in the official offer documents .
8 A copy of the petition was sent to the Royal College and in the reply to Sir James Graham , dated 27 July 1844 , Thomas Turner , the President , felt confident that he was able to ‘ prove the aspersions made in the two petitions to be entirely groundless ’ .
9 Various attempts were made in the 1974-1979 Parliament to introduce PR throughout the United Kingdom for elections to the European Parliament and for elections to the proposed assemblies in Scotland and Wales .
10 Today , the industry has no need to feed off the margins , needs no lessons from Sigue Sigue Sputnik about the Global Leisure Industry , movie tie-ins or the killings to be made in the future collusion of pop and advertising to create new needs .
11 The sundial on a cottage in North End was made in the 1840s and is said to be the largest in England with its twelve ft diameter .
12 But certain hits were registered , casualties created amongst the English gunners , and what was almost as important , great holes and craters made in the infilled ditches .
13 This is now a symbolic exchange , but it is a relic of the numerous treaties that once were made in the Pyrenean valleys to regulate the use of the high , communal pastures and put an end to the age-old practice of trespass or holding to ransom of intrusive livestock .
14 I once went to the trouble of having a pair made in the finest white doeskin but fortunately I have now outgrown such extravagances in much the same way that I have outgrown the petty conversations and banal posturings of those who frequent literary gatherings or , worse , television studio canteens .
15 To this day some maintain that a mighty mistake was made in the 1948 referendum .
16 With this letter were two lists of plants for Miller and Collinson , both headed ‘ sent by Budden , 1759 ’ and Miller 's assortment seems largely to tie up with requests made in the above letter .
17 Until the earliest of ( i ) the execution by you of a definitive unconditional legally binding agreement regarding the acquisition of the Company ; ( ii ) an acquisition of the Company by a third party ; ( iii ) three years from the date of this Agreement , you agree not to initiate or maintain contact ( except for those contacts made in the ordinary course of business ) with any officer , director or employee of the Company regarding the Company 's business , operations , prospects or finances , except with the express written permission of the Vendors .
18 Demands for change will continue , but it is difficult to imagine substantial progress being made in the current climate , as broadcasting , and the media in general , becomes increasingly unaccountable to society as a whole .
19 A company whose accounting period began on 1 November 1992 will therefore have to pay any s 419 tax due on loans made in the current account period on 14 November 1993 .
20 No mention of an exhibition royalty is made in the current UK Copyright , Designs and Patents Act ( 1988 ) .
21 The corollary of this is that any receipts received or payments made in the current financial year which relate to accruals made in the last financial year , will not affect the current year 's profit figures .
22 The cash figure in the balance sheet might include both capital and operating cash : if a debenture is issued but the resulting cash has not yet been invested in fixed assets , then the cash will perhaps be shown in the cash book — this is capital cash ; if profits were made in the current year , some of these profits might take the form of cash — this is operating cash .
23 However , we know that some colleges will be anxious to take advantage of the greater flexibility and relevance of the new-style courses as soon as possible and SCOTVEC is still confident that substantial progress can be made in the current session in the development centrally of the new style course material .
24 The rate has been reduced from its previous level of 9.75% in accordance with an undertaking made in the 1991 Budget to keep it broadly in line with mortgage rates .
25 That figure is true as regards loans made in the 1991 fiscal year , and means 69% ( worth $1.8 billion ) of the contracts were won by non-Japanese companies .
26 Where no special provision is made in the 1991 rules for any matter of procedure the usual rules of court apply ; the Magistrates ' Courts Rules 1981 , the County Court Rules 1981 or the Rules of the Supreme Court 1965 , as appropriate .
27 Nonetheless an effort has been made in the final chapter to draw some conclusions about the contemporary impact of changes that have occurred .
28 On the contrary , the changes made in the final Order have had the effect of strengthening and extending the requirement that pupils should read works written in English from other countries and cultures ’ ( 15 June 1990 ) .
29 Whatever institutional changes are made in the Labour Party , tradition dies hard .
30 I REFER to Coun Groves ' letter ( HAS March 9 ) concerning the so-called inaccurate statements reputed to have been made in the Labour Party leaflet in the run-up to the Willington East by-election .
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