Example sentences of "made about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The race used to be cash-orientated but these days attracts more enthusiasts than those determined to be first over the line , said Mr Brown , who was reminded of the film made about the race when they saw a man in a huge Alvis wearing what appeared to be an animal .
2 Hence the higher transaction costs of using outside suppliers have to be balanced against the dangers of under-utilization before a final decision is made about the scale of internal expansion .
3 This independent assessment results in a judgment being made about the likelihood , based on that evidence , of a court finding a case proved beyond reasonable doubt .
4 The publication of full inspection reports gives another source from which inferences can be made about the work of HMI , and here we will consider two critiques that have used them .
5 But at the time it was thought that the record had yielded up its secrets in sufficient quantities to allow confident assertions to be made about the character of the evolutionary mechanism .
6 Movies had always been made about the past , of course , if not so very frequently about that immediate past whose primary unit of measure is the decade rather than the century ; but it was probably Visconti 's The Damned in 1969 that inaugurated what were to be the definitive parameters of a new filmic style .
7 Wreckage analysis showed that there was nothing untoward about the airframe or engines , However comments were made about the avionics installation .
8 Announcements will be made about the nurses ' pay award , but I assure the Hon. Gentleman that public and Government expenditure will be considerably increased throughout the Principality as a result of that award .
9 Enquiry was made about the patient 's current health , whether a cause for the anaemia had emerged , the most recent haemoglobin concentration , and the continued need for iron treatment .
10 There is a chief superintendent in RUC Headquarters whose sole responsibility is community relations , and no complaints were made about the level of managerial support given them by Easton 's senior officers , something unusual for ordinary policemen and women in the RUC , and particularly so compared to community policing sections in other forces ( Grimshaw and Jefferson 1987 ) .
11 Reg says many other decisions were being made about the churchyard without involving him .
12 All the noise being made about the hostages at that time was just political rhetoric .
13 In the statistical analysis of economic data , assumptions are made about the way time series evolve , about the characteristics of the population from which a cross-sectional sample is drawn , and about the nature of the relationships between variables .
14 In this paper I want to examine recent developments in three areas of social policy : income maintenance , taxation and family law , exposing the assumptions made about the division of responsibilities within the family on which debates and changes have been based .
15 There is one other point to be made about the Linn before discussing how it sounds .
16 Even though school generated activities are not taking place at these times judgements are made about the standard of work on display and the general state of order and cleanliness .
17 If decisions are to be made about the deployment of resources or the implementation of the curriculum then they should be made on accurate and reliable information .
18 It followed , too , from the assumptions that the British made about the Masai 's conservatism , it appearing self-evident to them that because the Masai were so conspicuously uninterested in Western civilization they were in all respects content with the status quo ; so closely were Westernization and agitation linked in the administrative mind .
19 Bearing in mind the number of military items sold to the Iraqi regime by this country right up to the invasion of Kuwait and the highly critical comments made about the conduct of Ministers during the Gulf war , what right do the Government have to lecture hon. Members on the Opposition Benches over defence matters ?
20 The libel action followed allegations Count Tolstoy had made about the conduct of former Army Chief , Lord Aldington and the enforced repatriation of thousands of Cossacks and Yugoslavs at the end of the Second World War .
21 Perhaps the most general point to be made about the survey proper is that it should be regarded as an end-point to be reached after careful preparation .
22 This , of course , will involve the modeller in finding out about how price competitive the market is , SO that reasonable assumptions can be made about the influence of price competition on the sales of any one supplier , and on sales in the market as a whole .
23 Similar comments might be made about the speaker variable of social ambition used by Douglas-Cowie ( 1978 ) to account for linguistic variation in a Northern Irish village .
24 Two other points should be made about the notion of ‘ stance ’ .
25 He was quite likely to forget the agreement they had made about the night watchman and , given the slightest excuse , batter the old boy .
26 As only three episodes of acid reflux were seen in the absence of a common cavity episode no statement could be made about the effects of acidification alone .
27 Moreover , and although certain persuasive remarks were made about the desirability of shifting the balance towards science and technology , no sustained attempt at manpower planning was to be made .
28 A Housing Executive spokeswoman said no final decision had been made about the case .
29 Ernest Gellner and Alastair MacIntyre have both argued for the need for a judgement to be made about the degree of internal coherence and rationality in belief systems , before the sociologist can know what type of explanation to apply to the beliefs he is studying .
30 The analysis of the lifetime impact is however far from straightforward , and may depend critically on the assumptions made about the degree of imperfection in the capital market ( Polinsky , 1974 ) .
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