Example sentences of "made [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 But I believe that the decisions made to go on the trips this autumn have been good ones .
2 But I believe that the decisions made to go on the trips this autumn have been good ones .
3 It got a roar of appreciation which I can still hear , and afterwards Stephen Sondheim came over to ask me if I 'd had the dress made to go with the remark .
4 I was happy that he was being made to go to the hospital to have his ankle set in plaster , and because I found him very simpatico I was determined to go and see him there .
5 In accordance with the promptings of his noble nature , he envisioned that streams of water should be made to flow through the proposed fort and that its terraces should overlook the river .
6 These get their name from the fact that solder is made to flow along the tiny gap between the copper fitting and the pipe by capillary action .
7 No current can be made to flow from the STM 's needle on to their surfaces .
8 Automatic crystallisation is not a term of art but covers at least two situations which at first blush appear dissimilar ; one is where the charge is made to crystallise on the happening of an event provided for in the charge without there being any need for a further act by the chargee and the other is where the charge is made to crystallise on the serving of a notice of crystallisation on the company .
9 Automatic crystallisation is not a term of art but covers at least two situations which at first blush appear dissimilar ; one is where the charge is made to crystallise on the happening of an event provided for in the charge without there being any need for a further act by the chargee and the other is where the charge is made to crystallise on the serving of a notice of crystallisation on the company .
10 He saw crystallisation as being a matter of agreement between the parties and on this reasoning there can be no objection to a charge being made to crystallise on the happening of a specified event .
11 Default in the payment of interest or capital are not crystallising events although , given the validity of an automatic crystallising clause , there is no objection in principle to a charge by its terms being made to crystallise on the happening of a stipulated event of default .
12 Thick , ribbed or thin ropes can be made depending on the nozzle chosen .
13 But some efforts were made to cope with the problem of poverty .
14 Since the ECJ is clear in Katsikas that the Directive does not require the transfer to be made binding on the employee , it is difficult to see how the ultra vires argument can be resisted , unless the courts rescue the government by an extraordinary act of interpretation of Regulation 5 by holding that the UK Regulations , even in their present form , impose no obligation to transfer on the employee .
15 But many MPs are now questioning why , if the Government could ratify this treaty without Parliament 's consent , they are being made to jump through the hoops of parliamentary procedures which could be completed in a day .
16 ‘ If I 'm right , and that spider-thing was all force fields and fancy holograms , it could have been made to jump off the line and get me . ’
17 Consciousness , in Humphrey 's scheme , arises when sensation is made to reverberate within the nervous system , connecting the present to the immediate past : ‘ the conscious present is largely the immediate sensory afterglow of stimuli that have just passed by ’ .
18 And how , pray , will this affect the attitude of the ‘ innocent ’ who are made to suffer for the ‘ sins ’ of the ‘ guilty ’ ?
19 ‘ That 's true , ’ Anne agreed , ‘ but I think he should have been made to suffer for the way others suffered through him .
20 ‘ We must reassure our Protestant brothers and sisters that we will never be made to suffer for the British-sponsored murders of Catholics ’ .
21 We found ( Appendix II , section 5 ) that on one London estate where we held group discussions several people lived at addresses which they said had been blacklisted in this way , because of bad payers who had lived there before them ; as a consequence , they felt they were being made to suffer from the bad reputation of the previous tenants .
22 My only thought at the time was to wipe out the memory of the ordeal you 'd been made to suffer by the man you thought you loved ! ’
23 After considering updating the old parish church the decision was made to provide for the needs of the 21st century , building a church large enough for both the old St Peter & St Paul church and St George 's , Kettlethorpe .
24 Neither Scorton Village Hall , the local cafe nor the local police have been contacted by your organisation and I am puzzled about what arrangements have been made to provide for the arrival of scores of riders .
25 They said that the robbery had been made to appear like the work of the IRA in the hope that it would provoke the Irish government into introducing tougher legislation against the terrorists .
26 As Galtung puts it , in surveys every individual is " made to appear in the sample as a society of one person to be compared with other societies of one person " .
27 Somehow , the deities had to be made to appear before the worshippers , and this appearance might take many different forms .
28 Catherine received presents , and could continue her lessons , but Heathcliff was made to work on the farm with the men , and , as a farm worker , was only allowed to eat with us in the back-kitchen .
29 it is extremely doubtful that the overall system … can ever be made to work without the kind of total ideological commitment and radical transformation which underlie its operation in socialist Yugoslavia .
30 Her grandmother made the illegitimate girl into a Cinderella : ‘ I was made to work in the house … a house slave . ’
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