Example sentences of "made [noun] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Opposition have made pledges on free phones and loft insulation — and only today we heard that they proposed to cut the profits of the electricity industry by 37.5 per cent .
2 Managing director of finance Ian Duncan writes that ‘ anticipating the introduction of the new US accounting standard FAS 106 , we have made provision over recent years to cover the aggregate liability calculated using the accrual method and have decided to amend the balance sheet classification so that it is shown separately under ‘ provisions for liabilities and charges ’ in the notes to the accounts ' .
3 Since the first edition of this book both the Matrimonial Homes ( Co-ownership ) Bill introduced in the House of Lords in 1980 ( which would have made provision for statutory co-ownership of the matrimonial home ) and the Land Registration of Law of Property Bill ( affecting the practice that has grown up following the case of Williams & Glyn 's Bank Ltd v Boland ) [ 1981 ] AC 487 ) have failed .
4 Having iced the cake with a plain layer of royal icing and then left it to dry , I have made copies of small pressed flower pictures both on the top , as a centrepiece , and with small sprays around the sides of the cake .
5 I certainly know erm , reading quotes and audits and things and even just reading the procedures myself I 've made notes against certain things that .
6 The Minister has already made proposals about future arrangements .
7 I had made proposals on National Insurance but that , said Nigel , was a Budget matter .
8 ‘ We have also made progress in other major markets .
9 At Yalta , the two states also made progress in other aspects of their bilateral relations , building on their June negotiations in Dagomys [ see p. 38973 ] .
10 Although the country had extensive overseas investments , the government-owned Air Nauru and the Nauru Pacific shipping line were thought to have made losses in recent years of hundreds of millions of dollars .
11 Burson has made images of missing children , aged by computer , for their families and for the FBI .
12 She was appointed to a Readership in 1969 , and was made Professor of Developmental Psychology in 1980 .
13 For Christ 's Hospital he designed the new grammar school ( 1793 , demolished ) — receiving a gratuity of 100 guineas ‘ for his great attention during the building ’ because he had charged at a rate of only 2½ per cent instead of the usual 5 per cent — and additions to the school in Hertford ( 1800 ) , and also made designs for various ambitious unexecuted schemes for redeveloping the main buildings .
14 The typewriter , carbon-paper and the camera have made duplicates of important papers readily available .
15 The new commitment has been made conditional on other countries taking similar action , which was interpreted by analysts as a reference to the United States , which has thus far refused to agree to reduction targets .
16 Yet it was precisely to avoid the kind of obstructionism that Britain had indulged in in the past that participation in the new structure was made conditional upon prior agreement to the principle of a supranational authority .
17 We have made visits to actuarial societies in every corner of the globe and received many overseas visitors and we were struck by the similarity of the issues we face .
18 To expand the discussion to cover the changes in water properties over the entire water column , we have made comparisons with previous data sets .
19 He concluded that the planet 's habitability is under attack but its natural resilience is probably greater than is normally assumed , and that in the environmental field geographers have made contributions in environmental perception and hazard assessment and also in the area of unified physical and biogeographic research :
20 Where speech is made criminal by direct reference to its contents , the way is opened for those in authority to censor minority or officially deprecated opinions .
21 The excitement of the exhibition concerns the opportunity to place many works around the park 's lake where they will create an impression quite different to the context of brutal architecture of the Hayward Gallery , or of the European Patent Office in Munich and of other cities for which King has made commissions in recent years .
22 In April 1914 , George Younger wrote in Our Flag about " Radical " Buy " Election promises " and cited ten cases from the past six years when Liberal by-election candidates had made promises to local groups of voters on behalf of the government promises of a change in policy to benefit local crafts or industry or employment .
23 That aside , do n't go thinking we 've made things to easy for you .
24 But it is understood that most of the banks who have lent money to Bond have secured their loans against assets or have made provisions against ultimate default .
25 The feminist psychological initiatives which have had the most influence inside and outside psychology have all made changes to traditional methodology .
26 He had made contact with various people involved in the field , including myself , and arranged to meet veteran dowser Bill Lewis , who took him to the 12ft ( 4m ) high Llangynidr standing stone near Crickhowell .
27 ‘ I have made arrangements with certain people in the neighbourhood — a pastor , a doctor , business people , a local historian and so on — to receive my students from time to time and talk about their work .
28 It is also in part a result of the demands of modern life which have made access to ordered information more and more necessary .
29 The chapter on Explaining made trouble for Positivist ideas of explanation but did not suggest that they might be beside the point .
30 For instance , Prince Charles recently made comments about electoral reform .
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