Example sentences of "made [prep] this [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Arrangements should be made during this call for any follow up call to be made by MAS ( not by the target ) to reduce the risk of any further call either being deemed a ‘ cold ’ call or harassment .
2 The announcement , made during this week , coincided with the publication of three codes of practice .
3 Recent discoveries at the site of the Graeco-Roman city of Hierapolis in ancient Phrygia , made during this summer 's season of work by an Italian team , include a marble basilica situated to the north of the city , forming one corner of an extensive agora ( 280 x 180m ) , the largest of its type in the Roman world yet uncovered , and bounded on the other three sides by stoas .
4 Confessions made during this period are admissible and often devastating .
5 Most of this money ( £11.25 million ) was spent on the main strategy of enhanced staffing , with over 500 additional appointments made during this period .
6 No comparison has been made between this group and parents of H pylori negative children , but work from other sources provides serological evidence for an increased prevalence of infection in family contacts .
7 What 's it made off this snuff ?
8 I contacted the North Devon District Health Authority and asked for an extra-contractual referral to be made for this operation .
9 This page enables you to view what assessment , if any , the specified user has made for this DC .
10 Surely if a charge is made for this service it should be made to District Audit who , I understand , asked for the information in the first place .
11 No contingency plans had been made for this eventuality .
12 Where no allowance is made for this depreciation in the calculation of investment , the resulting figure is called gross investment .
13 Provision is made for this possibility in a system that has some affinity with the STV , namely the exhaustive ballot .
14 He is currently investigating the unusual claims made for this range of products .
15 Yet when all allowance is made for this bias in the evidence , one can not help being struck by the conspicuous part in our story which was played by the Empress Theophanu , the Empress Agnes , the Countess Matilda , St Margaret , the Empress Matilda , Queen Eleanor — great ladies who rose above the limitations of their sex , as commonly understood , as rulers , as saints or as viragos ; and the twelfth century would have been greatly the poorer without the life and work of the English Christina , the Hertfordshire anchoress , or of the French Heloise , the Stoic of the Paraclete , or of the German Hildegarde , the mystic of Bingen .
16 I 've talked to the designer , Dick Denney , and Dick said that they were definitely made for this market , so I guess they probably perform better in the UK . ’
17 Claims that verge on the outrageous are made for this material — but very many fishkeepers will vouch for its effectiveness .
18 An appointment has been made for this morning , but there is expected to be a delay before results are known .
19 Here are some general points to be made about this work :
20 This hypothetical situation illustrates some of the difficulties likely to be experienced when considering the North-South divide and shows why so many conflicting claims have been made about this question .
21 A number of points should be made about this typology .
22 A number of points may be made about this debate .
23 A number of points can be made about this form of giving , as follows :
24 A number of points need to be made about this section , which was passed to reverse a common law rule , which placed an occupier under a non-delegable duty to certain types of entrant .
25 Consequently , when decisions are made after this exposure , snags and sources of opposition will invariably have been ‘ cooled out ’ , often in ways which are organizationally quite productive .
26 In the Netherlands steady progress has been made towards this objective , with a significant drop in numbers of extra-regional placements between 1970 and 1983 ( Ploeg , 1986 ) .
27 To allow further uses to be made of this configuration another data base structure is required .
28 They have tried to take on board Ayer 's claim that theological language is meaningless , but have made of this meaninglessness a kind of superior divine logic .
29 In conformity with the conventional treatment , where the cross-section narrows from a church with a central nave and side aisles at the lower levels to a narrow , lofty nave only at upper levels , optimum use is made of this space by filling it with a single range of dwellings .
30 Use can be made of this mistake .
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