Example sentences of "in [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Grey , uncertain light leaked in through the curtains .
2 When the captain discovered this little act of initiative he changed course so that the sea roared in through the ports and flushed passengers and their game of cards from the room .
3 You can breathe it in through the lungs you can swallow it through the mouth , you can inject it through the skin and you can also absorb it through the skin .
4 They walked briskly over to the two cars and Plumpton bent down and peered in through the windows of the Mini .
5 When Rosalind and Philip first moved in , it was in a pretty parlous condition , with , amongst other nightmares , an elder tree with its roots in the great hall and its branches spreading in through the windows .
6 ‘ I used to walk past it and peep in through the windows and think how much I 'd love to live there , ’ she confesses .
7 As in the novel , the figures carved above the fireplace , the portraits on the wall , assume a macabre life of their own as the setting sun streams in through the windows .
8 Bees fly in through the windows on hot afternoons , zig-zag across the house , and disappear through the open front door .
9 ‘ But I think it is a pointless exercise , ’ said Floy , somewhere towards morning , a thin , cold light filtering in through the windows to where he sat at a great desk , his black hair tumbled , hollows in his cheeks , his face white with fatigue .
10 The sun was slanting in through the windows and heating the place up .
11 Afterwards I sit with him in the room at the back , the late afternoon light still coming in through the windows .
12 I stopped in the lane for a moment , as I often do , before I climbed the steps to the front door , and looked in through the windows .
13 Slowly struggling up from the depths of deep unconsciousness , Laura flicked open her eyelids , only to shut them firmly again as she winced at the brilliant sunshine flooding in through the windows of the bedroom .
14 When Caroline awakened , the sun was streaming in through the windows .
15 Damian stood against the sunlight flooding in through the windows , his hands thrust in his grey trouser pockets , the silver watch-chain across his powerful chest reflecting light .
16 The original model was made in wax ; it was then encased in a clay mould and molten metal poured in through the feet ; the hot metal melted the wax and displaced it , filling the mould .
17 A single-glazed window has a ‘ cold zone ’ around it where you 'll get convection draughts ( as well as the draughts coming in through the gaps ) .
18 But light was spilling in through the seams of the door at the far end of the room ; crimson , glowing light from whatever lay on the other side .
19 Cawthorne was leaning over the machine , blocking my view of anything else inside the bunker , and I slid around to check whether I could see in through the slits .
20 We can get in through the zippers . ’
21 Because of the growing publicity surrounding his movements , he decided to lose himself in the crowd , going in through the turnstiles and watching the player from the terraces .
22 In analysing the information that comes in through the eyes , the brain works ‘ bottom up ’ , piecing together the information from individual retinal cells into larger wholes , and ‘ top down ’ , comparing pre-existing models in the brain with the visual input .
23 This is because 40 per cent of all the information that is taken in through the eyes is for balance alone .
24 Seventy five percent is taken in through the eyes of which we 're gon na recall about fifty percent , so fifty percent of that seventy five percent yeah ?
25 Since entrances were not screened and materials were poor — many of them one brick thick or built in pisé , a version of mud — they were cold and cheerless , with rain actually driving in through the walls .
26 It sounds posey perhaps , but Althusser says something along the lines of when there are breaks that 's when you have a chance to change things , a chance to nip in through the cracks and grab the moment .
27 The light had almost gone from the day now and the forest was becoming bathed in soft , subtle hues of the Purple Hour , Dark blue and turquoise light slanted in through the trees , turning the Wolfwood to a place of dark secret shadows and heavy ancient magic .
28 The Lord Llewellyn had expected them to act inside , but there was no way in which the pageant could be brought in through the doors .
29 The first 30 in through the doors at Doc 's Orders in Yarm Road tonight will receive a copy of the EP .
30 Actually I have been something of a clothesaholic recently , do n't tell Derek , but I have to put that fitted wardrobe under lock and key when he 's back and hope he does n't keek in through the louvres because I would n't want him to think I was extravagant .
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