Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun sg] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm going to ask you to fill in that application form as regards John and Mary as your fictitious clients , all the information is on page twenty one .
2 Is n't it time that Silver sorted things out and got us some money to buy players even if it means bringing in another board member .
3 This month has brought in another bumper crop of mail and , in an attempt to deal with as many of your queries as possible , I have tried to include quite a few topics this month .
4 Under planned reforms of the EC 's common agricultural policy , the EC intended to bring in direct income support payments for farmers , to compensate in part for cuts in price support subsidies .
5 Before getting to the convergence , I must fill in some background information .
6 Cut out and fill in this viewing guide
7 Just fill in this FREEPOST card and return it to us NOW , and we 'll rush your TOTAL COLOUR KIT to you !
8 Welsh Water , who brought in extra pumping equipment to clear the water , said that the water supplies in the area had not been contaminated .
9 However , it is hoped that by bringing in additional path material it will be possible to reopen it by Easter , with access being limited to certain ‘ clean ’ areas .
10 DOUBTS remained last night over whether the Government had honoured its promise not to impose cash limits on drugs expenditure in the bill to bring in National Health Service changes published yesterday .
11 These were the kids ‘ educated ’ to memorise reams of context-less information in preparation for filling in multiple choice school entrance exams .
12 Before you begin to fill in any application form make sure you have read and thoroughly understood any accompanying notes .
13 I thoroughly enjoyed playing this game and , I like the idea of making my own game worlds with the ZZT Editor and controlling the objects using the built in ZZT-OOP programming language .
14 Bring in related work experience with the emphasis on how quick you are to learn new skills .
15 The knowledge of a critic is useful here for filling in relevant background information .
16 This would entitle them to sack Eurotunnel 's management , bring in new equity participation , and pull the plug on the £1bn invested by existing shareholders in the project .
17 SunPro , Sun Microsystems Inc 's software development operation , is bringing in Russian software expertise to help it develop compiler-level products which will improve the performance of applications running on Sparc RISC-based systems .
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