Example sentences of "in [verb] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 We wandered back home and when we entered the yard we were called in to go to bed early so we could get up to help in the morning .
2 That evening , knowing that David was dining out , Anthony came home in time to have dinner with Comfort and looked in to talk to Julia before changing out of his hospital clothes .
3 I 'll be like Geor Geo George 's mother one year and his mo and his mother was in her seventies he came in says to daddy ho gosh !
4 Another means of enhancing the qualities of base metals and alloys , at least in regards to surface appearance , is to bond together different metals in a process such as plating .
5 Since those days , American golf influences has been colossal , but , in regards to teaching , they have all — including Mr Hogan — gone back to old-time Scottish basics , or to Harry Vardon .
6 Is there a repairs problem in West Belfast ? how does the repairs system operate at the present time ? is the policy of employing contractors for repairs adequate ? are tenants rights safeguarded in the tendering policy of the Housing Executive in regards to accountability to the community and the standard of work carried out ?
7 Somebody was saying rang in complained to Peter about the , the amount of , what , what are they getting ?
8 Thirty year old Robin , thirty two year old Paul and twenty three year old Darren , left their homes in to travel to Turkey to support England last March .
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