Example sentences of "most [adv] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The falsificationists , most notably Karl Popper , attempt to do this .
2 My hon. Friend and the hon. Gentleman have suggested , however , that there is a step short of that that they would recommend — most notably air interdiction or , alternatively , a naval force .
3 Many of these predictions were , of course , irrational and some economists , most notably J. M. Keynes saw in decreasing population growth the opportunity for per capita output to increase rapidly .
4 They have endowed professorships and buildings , most notably Cripps Hall of Residence and Cripps Health Centre .
5 Clearly , there were some changes and in some industries , most notably coal mining , national wage negotiations disappeared in November 1926 after the collapse of the miners ' resistance to the coal lock-out , to be replaced by district agreements .
6 The late sixties and seventies saw the continued sporadic appearance of gay characters in television plays , most notably John Hurt 's 1975 portrayal of Quentin Crisp in The Naked Civil Servant .
7 Meanwhile , his relationship with Northumberland brought other nobles into his orbit , most notably John lord Scrope of Bolton .
8 Meanwhile , his relationship with Northumberland brought other nobles into his orbit , most notably John lord Scrope of Bolton .
9 Trial , by contrast , is reserved for cases where the factual issues are straightforward ( most often road traffic accidents ) , and the jury is asked simply to answer the question of fault with a ‘ Yes ’ or ‘ No ’ answer , going on thereafter to assess damages .
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